This thread is for posting whatever you worked on today.
It doesn't have to be finished.
It doesn't have to be good.
Any size.
Any medium.
Any style.
Any colors.
Just take some time and draw/create something!
Then show it to us.
See how many days you can post in a row without missing a day.
The idea is to turn out lots of different ideas and drawings over time.
Or if you really want, you can post the same thing again if you do more work on it the next day.
Crits and thoughts are also welcome.
But try hard to always post an image of your own along with text.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2014, 06:53:31 am by PixelPiledriver »

And knowing that it is, we seek what it is... ~ Aristotle, Posterior Analytics, Chapter 1