RAV: Rereading your posts I realize we aren't in disagreement, the only thing I'm cautious of is gearing Pixelation more towards a single art form than it already is. Because I think the narrow focus on pixel art is actually hurting the forum, and instead of expanding it to embrace something specific like voxels, I think it should be all inclusive. I think the pixel art "fad" won't die, and the forum enjoyed success in the 2000s because of the popularization of the indie scene and expansion of mobile gaming and handheld gaming, but now I think it's past due to take all the practices we've applied to one form of computer art and apply it more generally. In a broad sense, Pixelation is present in all forms of computer art, if you look close enough! c: And I think that's the important step forward, and in order to realize that I'm set on creating a better environment in the low spec boards. Voxels would be included, if there is interest.
To attract new, fresh, eager blood to that area there needs to be a step in a new direction, I agree. I'm planning a series of challenges, activities, or tutorials, whatever there is most notably a lack of, in the realm of low poly or 2d hd painting etc. I really believe that's the future of the forum, because it's the natural evolution of the displays traditionally used for pixel art. But resolution technology has outgrown pixel art as we've come to understand it, so we should offer the same atmosphere as we once did for those tiny finite resolution graphics for larger, potentially infinite resolution graphics.
Also as a disclaimer, I'm not advocating a shift of focus so much as a broadening of focus. I want to be able to come here for relevant, available, productive critique for my real world needs, and thats mostly hi res 2d meant for medium size screens. The emphasis on pixel art will always be first and foremost of the forum.