Vagrant: Thanks a lot
(of joy)! I think I
will go with the larger screen size, even though it was an accident. It may make the sprite shrink a bit, but it also makes way for vast scenery and towering structures.
Yes there is very specifically a faerie-tale element to the story in mind
Storyteller: I appreciate the comment! I will definitely keep in mind what Ryumaru showed in his post. I may even revisit the cave scene later to really fix that up with the low color count in his edit.
Drazelic: Yeah definitely a bit mismatched looking now texture-wise. I might rather go with adding some texture to the roof tops and walls elsewhere instead. I meant to earlier but didn't come up with anything good; I will try another approach. I'm not having any great ideas for the roof texture.. but I can play around with it.
Astraldata: Thanks
. Yeah the characters keep shrinking with the resolution increases. But as I mentioned I will try to work with a little bit of expansiveness. I've also already done a good amount of animations for the main sprite.. I also like how easy working with the tiny size is. There are going to be giants too; those will be about 4 times the size.
About the tiling, there aren't really any tiles here; it's more like big chunks of pixels. There's plenty repetition... The pots, for example, are tiles kind of, but nothing's placed into a grid. The dunes, dirt and grass are more chaotic, I just made a few patches then copied and pasted a lot of it together and touched up some spots wherever necessary.
I added a ring of water to the mermaid, that was pure neglegence on my part
All: About those dialogue boxes...
(Vagrant) I should add a couple highlight colors to make them less flat.
(Drazelic) I kinda like the Black outlines on them cause it really separates the box onto it's own layer.. Maybe I could make the outline fade out at the top to lighter color.
(Astraldata) I will definitely try a new pattern at the top, something less bold maybe (I can see how it kinda diverts the eye with the repetition). I was going for a castle-y look, but I think a smaller pattern with maybe a few squares left on the edges will look pretty good.
Going to go ahead and post the boxes here in-case someone here wants to throw some visuals together in the meantime. Even though I may or may not change it besides the changes listed above.