I think you should go and tweak your colors a bit. The green for that grass is really highly saturated, and it's straining the eye to look at.
I changed your water too and chose a blue with more cyan, and then muted it down for a more rustic aged feel to it. However you could also use a blue that's brighter for a more sunny feel to it, and still have good results.
I didn't edit the stones any, but they look really great in some places, and then in others their readability really suffers. In the first screen shot, some of the tiles of stone by the cave don't look as if they match up properly, and the little stacks of them get hard to read when they overlap each other. I think increasing the lightest value and putting more light on those stones will help them out a lot.
I think you could also benefit with just a couple alternate grass tiles. It would really help break up the large area in screen shot four, if you has some alternates to play with.