Right now im trying to decide between these 3 variations:



Anarkhya, after i finished the number 1 variation, it really looks more like our moon, but then i realized that this is a fantasy game, so i prefer to chose the most stylish one, even if it is technically wrong. In the end i really liked the result, but now i can't really chose between these 3.
Hideon, I got the inspiration on this scene by looking at the sky at my home on one night. I remember clearly that the clouds' color value were almost the same as the sky, changing only the saturation, to the point that i had to concentrate to see any difference. But in the end your edit is visually better, so thanks for that! I followed your advice. And the halo, that was really a nice touch.
My next move is to remove the 'spikiness' on the clouds' highlights near the moon.