Hello everyone!
A while ago I posted a message here about Animaki, a browser-based pixel art animation program. Now, one year after version 1 was created, I am proud to announce Animaki 2. It's still a beta, so there are some things I know I need to fix, but nevertheless it's already a big improvement over the last version.
One of the new - and as far as I know, unique - features is
skeleton mode, which allows one to quickly create and test motions before getting to the actual pixel work. Other new features include multiple undo, non-rectangular selections, the use of selections as a mask, and autosave.
Here's a picture of the new skeleton mode:
Here are some example animations made with Animaki:
The program has been tested in Opera, Firefox and Chrome. It might also work in other browsers, but it does
not work in IE.
You can give it a quick test run here:
http://www.oekaki.nl/animakidemo.html (no installation or plug-ins required)
Please note that uploaded animations will only appear on the website after being approved by a moderator. Quick/sloppy tests won't be approved. If you want to save your work as an animated gif of animated png, consider registering an account on
I hope you will enjoy Animaki and I look forward to your comments.