It's time for a new activity!

Rune and Blune have both fallen in love with Princess GiGi.
Because they are equally charming Princess GiGi cannot decide between them.
In order to impress her they have challenged each other to a duel!
The man with the biggest Totem will win her love!
Select a Character
Totem Template

Minimum Width
Rules- Use the palette below the character you choose
- Draw a chunk of totem! Be creative!
- Your totem chunk should connect more or less to the template and fit the canvas size
- Your totem should be of the minimum width or greater at both ends
- Post your finished chunk and I will add it to the totem pole
- Multiple entries for either character are allowed
- Animation is fixed at 10fps/100ms per frame
- Animations should have frame amounts which are powers of 2, NOT multiples of 2!
Time Limit- The activity will end 1 month from now: 11/5/12
- An awesome ending for the winner will be revealed!
Totem Poles
Rune: 37 Blune: 36
« Last Edit: June 15, 2017, 10:34:21 am by PixelPiledriver »

And knowing that it is, we seek what it is... ~ Aristotle, Posterior Analytics, Chapter 1