AuthorTopic: Am I going crazy here?  (Read 40968 times)

Offline AlexHW

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Re: Am I going crazy here?

Reply #100 on: September 13, 2012, 02:35:57 pm
This is a suggestion for improving your understanding, not an insult or demeaning comment.

Every goddamn thing you say sounds like a demeaning comment.  And I totally disagree with you about the hair edit.  From what you say pretty much everything I've pixelled looks 'blurry' or 'muddy' and quite frankly I think you're absolutely wrong.   Also after speaking with a couple other people about you I'm making this my last interaction with you.  I do not enjoy reading your pretentious comments nor do I feel I should waste my time any further.
You misunderstood what I was trying to convey. It's not that aa makes everything muddy, but it tends to do that if used primarily for the sake of aaing something without putting into consideration what the subject is, with the material qualities associated to it. It makes sense to study those things and find ways of representing their qualities without instantly thinking it needs aa because an edge is crisp.
My intentions are not to demean, in the contrary, I'm adding meaning and awareness by seeking to explore more subtle nuances with decisions regarding art. I'm not here to create a personal battle no matter how many times people try to twist it that way.

It was the inconsistency in AA that Carnivac was complaining about, yeah? He was objecting to the AA of the hair in one location forcing a stark contrast between two elements of the same object (hair), which stuck out as a sore thumb, to him. To ask him to do an edit and then criticize specific aspects of the edit without considering the application of the concept he's portraying across the whole image just reinforces in me the idea that you're disinterested in the outcome of the argument and sustaining the argument for the sake of itself.
That wouldn't be the case with me. In the original I see why some areas are blended more than others because it has to do with how light rolls off surfaces and angles. The uniformly placed aa across all sides of the edges produces a flat sense of the structure and makes it appear fuzzy and less detailed.


Alex, as a thought : Most everyone (myself included) assumes they're always right. A healthy person will also allow themselves to be wrong. Do you allow yourself to be wrong?
A person can only be wronged. Show me the facts that can sway my views and I'll direct myself towards whatever else there is to see, but so far I still see pertinence to exclaim the obvious since there is denial by those around me of these facts I see.

(My line of questioning here is fairly heavy. If you don't care to respond or this isn't something you want to get in to, I fully appreciate that. If you -are- interested I will happily explain every bit of where these questions come from in a common pursuit of truth! )
Questions can be intriguing. I don't mind.

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Re: Am I going crazy here?

Reply #101 on: September 13, 2012, 05:01:27 pm
Of course it's not just you getting yourself banned, it's also be on the person that will ban you if it comes to that. I'm prepared to do the deed even if it distresses me, as it usually distresses me to ban. But you also should take responsibility for your part of it and you really are not. You're just pushing everything to the other people talking to you. They misuderstand you. You're just suggesting to them how to improve their knowledge, etc.

We've discussed before about what I think is going on with you and I won't rehash. I'll just say regardless of whether I'm right about what's going on, your current approach won't work, socially. Not here, at least. There are other places on the net where your bluntness would be celebrated. Try a different route if you decide to remain in Pixelation.

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Re: Am I going crazy here?

Reply #102 on: September 13, 2012, 07:05:42 pm
but so far I still see pertinence to exclaim the obvious since there is denial by those around me of these facts I see.

but, your disagreement with Carnivac is not a matter of fact..

Offline AlexHW

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Re: Am I going crazy here?

Reply #103 on: September 14, 2012, 01:17:22 am
Of course it's not just you getting yourself banned, it's also be on the person that will ban you if it comes to that. I'm prepared to do the deed even if it distresses me, as it usually distresses me to ban. But you also should take responsibility for your part of it and you really are not. You're just pushing everything to the other people talking to you. They misuderstand you. You're just suggesting to them how to improve their knowledge, etc.

We've discussed before about what I think is going on with you and I won't rehash. I'll just say regardless of whether I'm right about what's going on, your current approach won't work, socially. Not here, at least. There are other places on the net where your bluntness would be celebrated. Try a different route if you decide to remain in Pixelation.
What responsibility? That I shut up? because ultimately that seems to be the only way to really appease everyone who is bothered as any attempt to explain my reasoning is met with backlash of a personal level where people begin to analyze me rather than what I said. But I suppose I shouldn't expect too much. I am being responsible/responsive. I can't be responsible for what others do. I've tried to be nice and unbiased and not attack anyone, but people seem to be extremely sensitive to little things and externalize their grief. That's fine, but to angle it in a way that puts a person in a negative spotlight seems a bit much. I haven't done that at all in this thread. I've focused on the art and why certain actions would produce certain results- based on facts and observations I have made and studied. So perhaps you need to readjust your evaluations because it can be easy to go with the flow of popular belief and mistakenly react in an unjust manner that hasn't looked at the truths of both sides. But I suppose that's just a suggestion and you really don't have to or want to. That's your choice and perhaps we're all tilted to one side or the other for political reasons that serve to uphold our own interests or the interests of others. So if that's the case, perhaps I shouldn't say anymore since I'll obviously be just disrupting the common consensus that isn't a part of me, and what right do I have to do that? Well.. this is a forum, and I am a person, but I guess some things must rest and be put under cover until conditions reawaken it when it is wanted. It's obvious my views aren't wanted in this thread anymore so I'll try to prevent myself from posting in it to the extent I had been.

but so far I still see pertinence to exclaim the obvious since there is denial by those around me of these facts I see.

but, your disagreement with Carnivac is not a matter of fact..

Right, I wasn't disagreeing with Carnivac personally, I was simply showing alternative reasons why his case wouldn't make sense given the understanding I have. To simply aa for the sake of aaing can easily overlook questions of whether it should be aaed in the first place. There's a lot more to art than the technique or practices, etc, and it is worthwhile to understand why as it helps make you use techniques more precisely and meaningful.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2012, 01:20:36 am by Alex Hanson-White »

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Re: Am I going crazy here?

Reply #104 on: September 14, 2012, 02:34:58 am
Alex! This is why I ask if you allow yourself to be wrong! You're in a situation where it is fair to say the majority of people have a fundamental disagreement with at least one aspect of your interactions with others. It is fair to say that you're controlling your interactions intentionally, but given the evidence sitting in front of you it is FACT that your current methods of communication are -not working-. Your reaction to this truth is not (as far as I can tell, given your posts on a forum) to look internally and try to discover where you are wrong, but to concrete yourself into your position and declare everyone else the problem(s).

This is not a practical way to live life. It is you wronging yourself.

Offline AlexHW

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Re: Am I going crazy here?

Reply #105 on: September 14, 2012, 03:09:08 am
Alex! This is why I ask if you allow yourself to be wrong! You're in a situation where it is fair to say the majority of people have a fundamental disagreement with at least one aspect of your interactions with others. It is fair to say that you're controlling your interactions intentionally, but given the evidence sitting in front of you it is FACT that your current methods of communication are -not working-. Your reaction to this truth is not (as far as I can tell, given your posts on a forum) to look internally and try to discover where you are wrong, but to concrete yourself into your position and declare everyone else the problem(s).

This is not a practical way to live life. It is you wronging yourself.
I'm not sure what the difference is. It just appears as if you want some sort of satisfaction by asking that I will give-up my self by becoming something that isn't me. You seem more like one pursuing a destructive angle here. I'm just sharing my observations and it really doesn't matter to me what you do because I can't control that except you. I can't allow myself to be wrong because that requires an outside individual to do the wronging. All I can be is myself and convey what I see. If that is hard to interpret, then ask yourself why, but don't expect me to suppress myself if it is me who you are questioning. I will try to answer these the best I can- don't fault me for my expressions that you asked for.
If you want me to answer a specific way, then it defeats your purpose for asking a question because you are trying to assume something that exists within yourself, not me. So instead, be yourself and just say what you mean rather than put words of ideas into me that aren't mine. Stop misrepresenting who I am.

edit:i'm kind of surprised this thread isn't locked yet as we seem to be drifting far away from the original theme.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2012, 03:12:07 am by Alex Hanson-White »

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Re: Am I going crazy here?

Reply #106 on: September 14, 2012, 09:58:48 am
It is locked effective now. Anyone who wants to take this further with Alex can PM him or if need be post in the OOTT.
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