Ugh, I'm an asshole. Haven't been on here in a bit, and totally forgot I committed to this thread. Sorry Wes, and don't worry. I'm working on your gift now and will get it out to you within a day or two. Really embarrassed I'm messing up one of our activities here, especially when Inquisitor's gift to me is so nice looking.
So, sorry guys! I'll try to make it a good gift, at least.
After my gift is posted, I'll refrain from posting till February. I don't think we late-posters deserve an extension to avoid our bans (they're Christmas gifts!), but I'm glad to have the chance to post Wes' gift, so thanks, Atnas. =)
And Inquisitor, thanks a lot for the gift. It's amazing looking! When I asked for my gift, I never expected anything so impressive! I'll be checking out the rest of your art now too, heheh.
Some of the other gifts are great, too. I'm constantly surprised by the quality of the art around here. A lot of it looks better than 90% of the stuff that gets passed off as professional work.