AuthorTopic: GR#089 - Platformer Tiles  (Read 51932 times)

Offline TheMonsterAtlas

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Re: Platformer Tiles, Character + Animation [WIP]

Reply #60 on: February 01, 2012, 12:04:34 am
I don't think it's head rotation just for head rotation.  It's the head being slightly dragged by the torso rotating.  That's how i would look at it.  But I do agree if you rotate the head just for the hell of it it's stupid.  Right now it looks like too much rotation.

A good example would be Megaman X sprite.  That looks pretty good. Here!  This looks natural.  His head is rotating because his body is.  It's a choice to do head rotation in animation but I think it looks pretty good for platformers.

Yes, this exactly!

The fluidity of the sprite you've done tehwexx is amazing, but don't forget to turn the hair as well.

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Re: Platformer Tiles, Character + Animation [WIP]

Reply #61 on: February 01, 2012, 05:31:39 am
maybe we should all take some running courses ...

Offline API-Beast

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Re: Platformer Tiles, Character + Animation [WIP]

Reply #62 on: February 01, 2012, 11:00:10 am
Its' because the head moves independent of the torso.  It should either move at the same speed or drag a frame behind the torso rotation.  That's my take on it.[/b]

No man, that looks even more unnatural.

Look at this:

The head only moves slighty, and only when the arms are forced forward. It's no homogenus movement but the result of the forward-thrust.
(orginal sprite from Megaman Zero)

Offline Mike

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Re: Platformer Tiles, Character + Animation [WIP]

Reply #63 on: February 01, 2012, 08:56:31 pm
No no no no no no no.  His back arm is moving forward and the front arm is moving backward which is the point you most see his chest.  This movement is responsible for the head rotation that moves to the left.

Also yeah re-re-relooking at the Megaman sprite it's a bit ridiculous.  They got a little over ambition.  But it looks great in game :D  

On the otherhand I think that Zero sprite looks quite clunky.

Furthermore guys please don't model your animations after the real world.(What I meant is don't settle with a final version that you just copied from real life)  Get a copy of Animators Survival guide and look at the pages that show you how to create your own runs and walk cycles.  That is far more interesting than real life.  ( But obviously reference is key.  Reference yourself if you have the means to.  Referencing yourself allows you to feel what it's like to do the movement which helps with the animation part)
[edit to make it more clear]

In that section it shows that head rotation and motion can be used to show emotion not just apart of a chain reaction of body movement.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 01:12:43 am by Mike »

Offline TheMonsterAtlas

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Re: Platformer Tiles, Character + Animation [WIP]

Reply #64 on: February 02, 2012, 02:44:48 am
maybe we should all take some running courses ...

This technique was developed for long distance runners who do not jump over obstacles. For sprinting on the other hand it is impractical. This is more for jogging so you can conserve energy for those long distances.

Offline jams0988

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Re: Platformer Tiles, Character + Animation [WIP]

Reply #65 on: February 03, 2012, 12:11:51 am
Furthermore guys please don't model your animations after the real world.  Get a copy of Animators Survival guide and look at the pages that show you how to create your own runs and walk cycles.  That is far more interesting than real life.
I don't think that's always true. Some of the best animation I've ever seen has been the more realistic variety. Go check out Ghost in the Shell, End of Evangelion, or any of the Ghibli movies. Incredible animation, and all very much grounded in reality. Telling other artists not to draw from life is only going to hurt them; it's definitely the fastest way to learn.

After you can draw a realistic run cycle well, then you can start messing around with it and stylizing it. How can you stylize something effectively when you don't even know how the actual subject is *supposed* to look? That's my opinion, anyway.

I've got animator's survival guide, too. It's an awesome book, and will definitely help with understanding animation. Still, after reading it, I'd apply what you learned from it by studying actual references. You'll come out with a better animation in the end, I think! For me, the Animator's Survival Guide taught me how to think about and approach animation, but not how to actually animate anything specific. I always look up a ton of references when drawing or animating something new.
Ghost in the Shell tank scene (end of the movie, so spoilers! Also, nudity and a girl ripping her own arms off. NSFW?) It's a lot more interesting than the simple animation you'll get by simply studying from books, in my opinion. Great animation takes a very solid foundation in life.

Wexx, you run cycle is looking better and better, so good job on that. I still don't agree with what you're doing with your stone tiles, though. Like someone else already said, it looks like you have black voids in the middle of all your platforms, because the rock texture is getting smaller and darker, instead of just getting darker. On small platforms, I'm not even sure if black-out would be appropriate at all. Have you tried just having flat rock texture across your small platforms? I think it might look better. I like the overall look of your set, though. It reminds me of some of the old Psygnosis games, or something. X3

Edit: What I remember Psygnosis games looking like is totally different from what they actually look like, so nevermind, hahah.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 12:27:45 am by jams0988 »

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Re: Platformer Tiles, Character + Animation [WIP]

Reply #66 on: February 03, 2012, 04:20:55 pm

Redid the hair, accounting for wind blow-back and correcting some perspective issues. I'm pretty damn satisfied with the head now; just plan to clean up the motion of the skirt and the shading on the boots and call this DONE.

Thanks a ton for the quality discussion on head rotation/animation in general. There's a lot I want to respond to, but right now I'm too sleep deprived to form any more coherent sentences. I'll be back! :)

PS: If anyone's got any ideas for a (SIMPLE) idle animation I'd love to hear them.

PPS: ALSO! I should probably mention I'm planning to redo the rocks completely as I've decided to scrap the auto-tiling algorithm I was designing around. I can get a lot more creative with manual tile placement! However I should really do some concept arting before I dive back into the pixels...

« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 04:31:05 pm by tehwexxl0rz »

Offline Mike

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Re: Platformer Tiles, Character + Animation [WIP]

Reply #67 on: February 03, 2012, 08:57:51 pm
tehwexxl0rz I don't want to seem like a jerk here but you should think of what her idle animation is on your own.  Though I can help you get in the right frame of mind.

Standing still:
Is she a restless sort of character itching to get moving? 

Is she vain, would she pull out a mirror she takes with her and fix her hair? 

Is she a fighter?  Would she straighten her gloves or crack her knuckles? 

Maybe her hair is always getting in her eyes.  Would she be the type to brush it out of the way with her hand? 

Is she lazy?  So lazy that she might just sit on the ground as she idles?

Is she neurotic?  Always looking back to make sure no one is following her?

Maybe she is calm. Just standing there breathing. Enjoying the sun beating down on her and the wind whisking through her hair.

Maybe she is the sort to get caught in her own head.  And while she is standing there she remembers that one guy she likes that hands around the town.  She remembers and she sighs.  A heavy sort of sigh but happy.

I could go on for quite awhile but for sake of space and time I'll stop.  :D  Good luck!

Offline TheMonsterAtlas

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Re: Platformer Tiles, Character + Animation [WIP]

Reply #68 on: February 04, 2012, 10:34:45 pm
For an idle state, I'd say give her some attitude. Hair Flips, Hand on Hip, the works haha :P

That run cycle looks great! good work teh!

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Re: Platformer Tiles, Character + Animation [WIP]

Reply #69 on: February 28, 2012, 03:47:09 pm
Thanks for the feedback and suggestions! Sorry about my recent disappearance.

I started working on a jumping pose and made some final tweaks to the run cycle. I also changed the color palette a bit - it might look too dark on the forum background, but I think it should fit the tone of the game better. I plan to animate in and out the jumping pose (just FYI) but that'll have to come later. Next in line is a falling pose and wall-jumping pose....