I'll love whatever is made, but for the sake of easing the vague creative burden on my secret santa, here are some ideas to run with:
propaganda posters (would be fun to turn whatever is made into a blown up poster for my office)
cartoony characters
Another idea that I'm now suddenly falling in love with as I type would be something that I would use to troll my wife with; we have an inside joke in our house involving this strange fleece horse blanket. We are unsure of as to where it even came from, but we have had it for the last 4 years all the same. For whatever reason, it makes us laugh (it's a blanket with a gigantic picture of a horse on it... it's just kind of absurd!) So we enjoy hanging it up, hiding it, boobytrapping an area to make it fall into view when the other person walks by, replacing shower towels on the rack without the other hearing so that the horse blanket is there instead, you name it. This has been going on ever since we got it, sometimes once every couple of days, sometimes after a month since the last 'horsing' incident. So if my santa would like to join in on this joke to play on her, he or she could pixel the horse blanket however they would like to interpret it - any style or design or representation of it that they'd have fun with just so long as it is recognizably that horse blanket graphic (using a predominantly red backdrop and a horsish head entering the frame from the neck up stage right)
Here's the reference to work with:

Looking forward to anything that might be made, thanks for including me!