I think the girl's face still has some structural problems. At a guess, it looks like you used a reference photo taken from a camera phone with a terrible fish-eye lens and a single point flash. The more I look at the face the more cubist it looks.
I think the main problem is that the forehead slopes back too sharply compared to the cheek line. Here's a couple of quick references. They aren't good references, but my computer blew up this weeke3nd so this was what I could grab quickly from the web.
First image, head is tilted back, and the chin is therefore thrust out much further than your image. But the forehead slope is close to what you have.
Second image the head is nodding forward. The chin is under the cheek/eye like you have, but the forehead is that much more forward/vertical.
Third image, the head is tilted to the side. Here is the only image where you can see the far cheek all the way past the mouth, but that's only because the face is chubby and smiling. Again, the chin comes out rather far beyond the eye position.
In all three, the mouth and the tip of the nose are closer to the cheek than what you have, and the forehead is closer to the angle of the cheek line. I tried a quick edit, but I goofed up the colors, and lost most of the roundness of the face. And the mouth needs some rework. But maybe it can help.