agree with lackey, especially since you have to some degree alluded to that with the object he is hiding behind. and the floor doesn't work to well at the moment, Lackey has offered a solution for that too in his edit even if you keep the strict side on perspective.
really like the character design, especially that violent TV bot
and that walk animation while having alot of character has a few things his hip wobble and a few moments of leg length change, also the problem of differentiating foreground and background limbs only the feet/legs really,
here's a suggestion
just using colour tones you're already using to separate them, of course I can see he has what seems like pronged feet in the idle, so doing a similar effect that you have with the hands would work. also attempted to see what was making it read strange, and it was the leg width you have thin background leg in some frames and thick in others so that messes with perception a bit too hope this game project keeps powering ahead it looks really cool