AuthorTopic: [WIP] Simulation Game  (Read 13219 times)

Offline Lorath

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[WIP] Simulation Game

on: August 28, 2011, 02:31:44 pm
So, first of all - hello everybody :D

A long time now im lurking this forum but finally I made it to the register button ;)
I never tried pixel art before, only looking at others artists.

I just wanted to show you one of my first pixel work. It is created for a game I actually make.
This is the background layer and is intented to be three times bigger than this picture is so there
is not much room to build up details. This is the best i can do for now ;)

Hope you like it and would be pleased about some comments / critics ^^

So long,

By lorath666 at 2011-08-28

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Offline Seiseki

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Re: [WIP] Simulation Game

Reply #1 on: August 31, 2011, 10:30:49 pm
Surprised no one has commented. This has a sweet old school feel, it's hard for me to point out anything specific apart from the movie posters which are horribly blurred and doesn't fit the style.

I also see some places with smooth shading or lighting which looks kinda off. I'd try to stick to just pixels and dithering for lights to retain that old school feel.
And I think the dirt is a bit too detailed, fewer colors would make it look more consistent with the rest.

Offline Lorath

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Re: [WIP] Simulation Game

Reply #2 on: September 01, 2011, 12:42:06 am
Surprised no one has commented. This has a sweet old school feel, it's hard for me to point out anything specific apart from the movie posters which are horribly blurred and doesn't fit the style.

I also see some places with smooth shading or lighting which looks kinda off. I'd try to stick to just pixels and dithering for lights to retain that old school feel.
And I think the dirt is a bit too detailed, fewer colors would make it look more consistent with the rest.

Thanks for your comment, Seiseki :)

I tried to have it looking like old games. Mabye you know the games "Mad Tv" / "Mad News" or "Airline Tycoon" ? I just played them for months and most of my inspirations arise from there :P I like the side-views in games . Just take a look at google and you know what i mean ^^

The posters... yes... they look ugly but theyre only Dummies. In the future I'll make posters of fictional movies.
I also blurred the clouds and Im actually very disappointed with them :/

Ok, ill have a look at the dithering for the light and also the dirt.

Thanks for your advice :)

So long,
A bite from a horse can definitely kill a hornet.

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Re: [WIP] Simulation Game

Reply #3 on: September 01, 2011, 01:46:34 am
Btw, I see some banding and also staircase banding here and there.

To read up on banding check this out:

Offline Lorath

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Re: [WIP] Simulation Game

Reply #4 on: September 01, 2011, 01:59:58 am
Btw, I see some banding and also staircase banding here and there.

To read up on banding check this out:

Alright, Ill fix it... i must have missed that :S
Ill update soon and maybe with some animations.

Thank you :)
A bite from a horse can definitely kill a hornet.

Offline Seiseki

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Re: [WIP] Simulation Game

Reply #5 on: September 01, 2011, 02:42:45 am
I opened up the image in photoshop to check on it more closely and I realized you're using way to many colors.

You should really limit yourself to a few colors, there's no harm in having a larger area be the same color, in fact it looks much cleaner and easier on the eyes.
I also edited a section of the image, added some more perspective which I think makes it more interesting.

I also think you're making it harder for yourself with the small details, look at the edited plants, they're easier to make and easier on the eyes.

Top = Edited, Bottom = Original
« Last Edit: September 01, 2011, 02:45:52 am by Seiseki »

Offline Lorath

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Re: [WIP] Simulation Game

Reply #6 on: September 01, 2011, 01:07:49 pm

Top = Edited, Bottom = Original

Awww, c'mon .... this is fantastic !

I just thought too much perspective would just overload the picture but with your changes it just fits.
And the colours, yeah I used a lot, only got some fixed in my palette like the brownish and greys but most of them are new choosen.
Its because Im actually able to do this :D Oldschools games were, we all know, limited but i thought, y not ?
But I try decreasing them.

big Thanks!


Changed the rooms, doors, elevator, decals and overall looking.
If you wonder what "Kino" and "Kasse" means: its german and "Kino" stands for Cinema and "Kasse" stands for Cash office / cash desk.

Added some animations:

Player animation / Walk / Idle

Kid Walkcycle

Old man Walkcycle

Sewer animation

« Last Edit: September 01, 2011, 03:43:18 pm by Lorath »
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Re: [WIP] Simulation Game

Reply #7 on: September 04, 2011, 08:55:42 pm
Sooo, it's me again ;)

Got a little update.

Changed the mainhall a bit. In this picture you can see the "tier 2" cash desk and the outer wallsign.
I also changed the floor, the basement lightning and the colour of the dirt.

The is an attempt for the GUI. The pink colour will be faded out and the font is just a
dummy. First the whole GUI was in grey but it felt like sitting in a sterile metal room -.-
At least im very happy with this brown wooden looking. Keeps a warm feeling :D
The empty boxes to the left and right will be filled soon :)

So long,

Argh, forgot to adjust the colour for the stones -.- Got it on my list :)


Just wanted to show you yet another animation - the mysterious man which lurks the backyard  :P
« Last Edit: September 04, 2011, 11:44:14 pm by Lorath »
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Re: [WIP] Simulation Game

Reply #8 on: September 06, 2011, 10:06:52 pm
The player animations are really cool!
But the old man and the kid needs more frames, looks kinda strange at the moment.

Also, I noticed your door frames in the basement really pop out, I think you need to apply the same contrast for the wooden ones and the elevator doors. Because the basement doors look great! :)

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Re: [WIP] Simulation Game

Reply #9 on: September 07, 2011, 07:02:37 am
The mysterious man animation is really good : p
Bear with my poor english, I'm italian!

Offline Lorath

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Re: [WIP] Simulation Game

Reply #10 on: September 07, 2011, 11:03:49 am
Ahh, finally some comments. I just thought my work would be really bad :(

But the old man and the kid needs more frames, looks kinda strange at the moment.

Yeah, I noticed as I made the "stange man", that 1 or 2 more frames for the peoples walking animation would
fit much better. Havnt done it yet but Ill keep working on them.

Also, I noticed your door frames in the basement really pop out, I think you need to apply the same contrast for the wooden ones and the elevator doors. Because the basement doors look great! :)

Ok, Ill try and test.

The mysterious man animation is really good : p

Makes me really happy to hear that :D

Ok,small Update:

Changed the mainhall's vertical and horizontal size a bit so that the gameplay camera just got a bigger angle
and also the overall pixelratio will be increased because this will lead to a better and smoother looking. Now, if you
want to see the originals image size, just zoom to 200% (1click) instead of 300% (as previously considered)
Cause of this change I had to add another basement level but that wasnt a big problem, anyway I needed 1 more room :D
You cant see that right now, but maybe in the next update.
Aw, i forgot :) the major update is the added "Tiers" for the cash desk and snack-bar and actually there are 4 tiers showed in this gif.

Last but not least: The actual code is running very well , you can walk and use the elevator to move to the desired floor right now.
Also the camera is almost working like it should .Maybe I post a little preview if your interested in walking around the cinema  :lol: and if the major bugs are removed :yell: -  but thats a bit off topic :D

Right now I can see something need to be fixed while im writing -.- huh...

So long,


Changed the player walking animation and added some frames. One is with a bouncing head and one without... im not quit sure
which one i like most -.- both of em got pros and cons... the bouncing one sometimes looks like the whole body is stretched and
the non-bouncing one is to fixed and inflexible... any suggestions ?

« Last Edit: September 07, 2011, 10:22:30 pm by Lorath »
A bite from a horse can definitely kill a hornet.

Offline Lorath

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Re: [WIP] Simulation Game

Reply #11 on: September 14, 2011, 10:35:51 am
Here we go again ;)

Just worked on the animations a bit an this is the result so far:

Cleaner - Mechanic - Janitor

Woman - Grandpa

The cashier

The snack-man

LCD slide

The woman and grandpa comes in male and female forms and also the kid but i didnt got so far ;)
So, almost everything is ready like the background, characters, decals, gui and so on.
Now its about to fill the inside of the rooms in perspective if you enter them and of course the content.

So far,

Erm, can a moderator please delete this post and copy this under my last comment ?
I ignored the edit like a stupid and cant report myself :S
« Last Edit: September 21, 2011, 10:59:28 pm by Lorath »
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Re: [WIP] Simulation Game

Reply #12 on: September 14, 2011, 04:59:45 pm
Looks great, but I think the main hall is a bit dull..
What makes the design interesting is the rooms with their 3D effect which gives depth and the main hall doesn't have much of that.

Perhaps you could add some thick pillars, some kind of variation on the wall and enlarge the floor further.

The animations are looking really good, but I can't decided on the bouncing head..

Offline Lorath

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Re: [WIP] Simulation Game

Reply #13 on: September 15, 2011, 08:42:46 am
Looks great, but I think the main hall is a bit dull..
What makes the design interesting is the rooms with their 3D effect which gives depth and the main hall doesn't have much of that.

Perhaps you could add some thick pillars, some kind of variation on the wall and enlarge the floor further.

The animations are looking really good, but I can't decided on the bouncing head..

The newer mainhall is a bit more filled with decals but youre right, the pillars needs to be more impressive and thicker. Working on it :)
Also thought of a little relief on the wall... ill try it out.

The animations needs to be seen ingame but i really dont know how to choose. Ill care for it later ^^

A bite from a horse can definitely kill a hornet.

Offline Lorath

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Re: [WIP] Simulation Game

Reply #14 on: September 21, 2011, 10:54:23 pm
So, the background is almost ready to go and also the animations...
now it comes to the interactive rooms. Here you can see your own office-room.
Its not finished yet but would like to have some critics first... just to be sure (=
There will be 2 versions: one at daytime with the only lightsource from the window and the second
one at night with the ceiling light turned on.
Some things are missing but will follow. Im thinking of a wall clock, maybe a carpet, a phone and some other small decotations.
Actually im not fine with the trashcan and the ceiling lamp... i worked on them for hours and still ugly like hell :S

So long,

A bite from a horse can definitely kill a hornet.

Offline Seiseki

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Re: [WIP] Simulation Game

Reply #15 on: September 22, 2011, 01:17:52 am
That image is a bit of a mixed bag..
Let's see the things I've noticed.

1. The diagonal line of the desk to the left doesn't match the wall, and neither does the window frame.
Can't say I'm an expert on perspective but it looks strange to me..

2. a) Some things are anti-aliased and some are not, personally I'd go without AA.
2. b) If you have to use anti-aliasing, don't overdo it, currently it's quite blurred.

3. The post-it notes looks strange when their sizes differ like that.

4. You use a lot of noise for textures, again a personal thing, but I'd prefer to see patterns instead, or just a single clean color.

5. Try making more use of highlighted edges instead of just outlines, sorta like on top of the chair.
It gives everythinga more fresh look.

6. Don't be afraid of making things larger, especial the wooden strips between the wall and the floor, the door, frames on the corkboard, etc.
(actually the door frame seems to be missing)

7. The text on the notes, etc, looks quite odd. Try using a lighter color, and some AA in between could help.

It's quite a list but I hope it's helpful :)

edit: A second look at your image (and an attempt at an edit) tells me you're using way too many colors and anti-aliasing on basically everything which makes it look too undefined. It must also be really hard to work with and take hours to add all that AA.
Try reducing the amount of colors, less is more. Also a bit more contrast between colors would also be good make it look extra clear and crisp.
You want some things to popup out at you, right now everything feels too subtle.

Some things you should keep in mind, use less colors and try to add depth where you can, like edges popping out, the door for example can be pushed a bit deeper into the wall, the strips of wood down on the walls can be made to look thicker, the edge of the desk can protrude a bit above the drawers and the window can also be pushed a bit deeper into the wall.
You have a huge room but you're being a bit too minimalistic.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2011, 01:49:07 am by Seiseki »

Offline Lorath

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Re: [WIP] Simulation Game

Reply #16 on: September 22, 2011, 08:56:40 am
It's quite a list but I hope it's helpful :)
It must also be really hard to work with and take hours to add all that AA.

This is fantastic Seiseki, thank you very much for spending your time.
Great Tips, ill keep working on them for now and see if i can realise them :D
And yes, it took me a whole day for that  :crazy:
A bite from a horse can definitely kill a hornet.

Offline Lorath

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Re: [WIP] Simulation Game

Reply #17 on: September 22, 2011, 08:08:00 pm
Ok, did some changes to the office and for now I'm more statisfied ;)
Some decorations are missing but will follow soon.
Just tried to turn off the AA and im fine with that :)

                                      Older one                                                             Newer one

This is a link to the bigger newer version

So long,
A bite from a horse can definitely kill a hornet.

Offline Lorath

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Re: [WIP] Simulation Game

Reply #18 on: October 01, 2011, 04:17:24 pm
Long time ago now and got a bigger update in my pocket :D
Had alot to do and right now im very contented with my results. I hope someone
can give me some critics.

PC Administration and the phone with name index
Game menu and letter deposit
A postcard from the corkboard

Dont care about the text, mixed language and also dummy... they will be added in the coding
The only point i dont like is the wooden texture of the drawer and also the screwdriver :S
Messed with them alot -.-

So long,
A bite from a horse can definitely kill a hornet.

Offline Seiseki

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Re: [WIP] Simulation Game

Reply #19 on: October 02, 2011, 01:51:17 am
Nice stuff!
The one thing I notice is that something looks strange with that drawer, something with the shading..
It looks like the items are floating somehow, at least the floppy disk, and I don't think it's deep enough..

Offline Lorath

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Re: [WIP] Simulation Game

Reply #20 on: October 02, 2011, 09:00:21 am
Nice stuff!
The one thing I notice is that something looks strange with that drawer, something with the shading..
It looks like the items are floating somehow, at least the floppy disk, and I don't think it's deep enough..

Yes, the damn drawer just broke my neck ;)
Had problems with the shading. Now you can see that there are 2 lightsources because with one
it would look odd.
But right now i can see i missed the desks shadow... maybe that changes something.

So long
A bite from a horse can definitely kill a hornet.

Offline Lorath

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Re: [WIP] Simulation Game

Reply #21 on: October 06, 2011, 11:27:10 pm
The one thing I notice is that something looks strange with that drawer, something with the shading..
It looks like the items are floating somehow, at least the floppy disk, and I don't think it's deep enough..

I changed the drawer, made it more deeper and the shading fits better right now with some adjustments :)

Almost finished 2 more rooms.
There are the archives and the secretariat with the safe ;)

Im not statisfied with the ceiling lights in the archives, kinda hard to build up.

So long,
A bite from a horse can definitely kill a hornet.

Offline Lorath

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Re: [WIP] Simulation Game

Reply #22 on: October 28, 2011, 01:36:36 am
I need some help with my charakter for the architect's room.
The thumbnail is already finished but I cant transfer it to the bigger version.
My problems are the proportions and the shading - the most important things ;)
I do not know why I'm not getting further anymore, maybe a blockade, i dont know.
Any advice for me ?

So long,

btw, the proportions of the new head at the bottom right is almost what I want but cant
get more details on it -.-
« Last Edit: October 28, 2011, 02:01:13 am by Lorath »
A bite from a horse can definitely kill a hornet.