Will you be changing the water splash? It really reads like stringy-I-don't-know, the mist helm mentioned would be much more believable.
The shadow of the girl lying down is too short, it should be pretty long given how low the sun is and the other shadows.
Tension has been relieved a bit but I still feel the reclining indian could be moved further towards the empty corner.
Turning the standing indian's toes inward (on the extended leg) might make for a more seductive pose, as I think was suggested earlier. (I think Mathias also mentioned the varying sizes of the thighs)
I think the sitting indian could arch her back more, have the top of the back less straight and instead project back a little bit. She has really twiggy arms given those thighs.
Reclining indian's feet are wonky. The leg lying on the ground (lower leg, calf etc), as has been mentioned, is also twiggy.
The perspective do seem a little off. The closer the element is, the more it seems as if it's seen from above (far bg not so much, rocks a little, shadows a lot)
If the figures are casting such prominent shadows, I'd expect the shading on them to match, instead it seems to be coming from almost the opposite angle.
Dusty brings up a good point, and it's a problem I've noticed before in your pieces: the AA is too different a hue, it creates eye-burn and punches through the image. The brown AA in the water is having the same effect.