Hey, all, I'm back in action after a mild spriting depression, with a new(ish) project that my good friend and I decided to engage in.
We just started this afternoon (as I type this my partner is typing up a vague design document), and I figured I might get a headstart on some generic dungeon-y tiles to get a feel for the game. It's going to be a rogue-like, something along the lines of IVAN or the graphical Nethack tilesets, with some bits of Dwarf Fortress thrown in for kicks. Basically a mishmash of some of our favorite things, combined with some original craziness of our own.
Some of you might recognize the people sprites; they're from an old failed project that I was posting on these forums called SIN.
Please do tear these apart! I'd love to hear critique.
Get to tearing, and have fun! Enjoy the eyecandy
« Last Edit: November 19, 2010, 10:41:06 pm by Olothontor »
"In a mad world, only the mad are sane." - Akira Kurosawa