Thanks for the feedback!
@ #36005A:
I'll look into your color suggestions.
Unfortunately I am well aware of the two css issues with Chrome (and other webkit browsers as well I suppose. I don't have access to Safari right now... It would be really nice if you could check on that on your Mac

), I guess I'll have to look into and resort to browser-specific trickery.
The irregular button sizes I am aware of too, but that's beyond my control since the icq and yahoo messenger icons are fetched from an external server, thus inconsistent. About the colors, I used the two recurring saturated colors orange and teal correspondingly to the dominant colors yellow and blue of the AIM and MSN logo respectively in an attempt to assure recognizability without deviating from the skins palette. I think it works.
The 'jump to unread'-button thing is noted.
@ CrazyMLC: I am pretty satisfied with the colors myself. It might be a matter of getting used to as well, but mostly also one of taste

. Not that this means anything, but the olden Pixelation was completely clad in deep blue.
@ Moribund: I'm not a fan of the smileys myself. Maybe, in time, they'll get some extra attention too. We already have something in mind with the banner

edit: tried distinguishing the reply/create topic speech balloon. Any better?