That is great news lithander, I am really happy for you. I hope it gets good coverage -- I've been reading quite a lot about marketing recently and, at least for dedicated indies, they say you need to continuously find new channels to market and improve efficiency on your older ones on a regular basis if you want to maximise returns on the work you've already done. Assuming you're charging for the game (since you mention FlashGameLicense) that might be valid for you. Whether you're charging or not, I still think it would be a waste if a lot of folks didn't see your game, because it's really nice-looking and the play is straightforward, too.
Like the thumb -- that's super. Looks like you found the right person for the job. Where did you find them? DeviantArt?
Mine's a top-down action RPG, which is part of why I was excited to see your work, although mine's pure bird's-eye view for reasons of simplicity/time/money. Without the sort of oblique perspective that Rune Hunt has, it will be harder to make things look good -- lighting will be top-down, too, so that I can rotate the sprites. It's all about economizing... I'll find a way to make the art look good. This is more about the gameplay, since I'm taking the episodic approach -- sequels, addons will appear if the first game is well-received. And if so, then hopefully I can attract funding for an artist later on. The gameplay, aside from being similar to something like Gauntlet or Crimsonland, is based around the interaction of various elements in the world to create new elements to your tactical advantage, a sort of alchemy really. It's a little less action than a shmup, and a lot more tactics.
If you ever want to chat or anything, you can grab my email from my profile here... I am always keen to stay in touch with other indies, especially those who do some of their own art because I'm kinda in the same boat.