So I think I may have made a post about some rocks a while back, and am taking another stab at it. These rocks are for practicing basically. not for a mockup or game or anything.
My first attempt was mainly to see if I could tile some rock platform. I think I achieved my goal as it tiles well, and looks rockish, altho I guess It could stand some improvement.
I used this same method for my secret santa gift this year if anyone missed it! then decided that I wanted something a bit more realistic, so I decided to go back and try this again! This time I wasn't so worried about tiling and focused more on the shape of a rock.
Altho Its not horrible, its still lacking in texture and lighting, but I think a more 3d effect was achieved.
After that, I thought I could take it a step further. I started over. Thinking I had a grasp on things I began my next set of rocks, after the attempt I think the overall effect looked neat, but not quite what I imagined in my head. I tried to take some advice on colors and highlights but I dont think I quite understood. Also, the new set almost looks like layers of bricks or rocks hovering on rocks. Definately not what I was trying to achieve.
Trying not to get discouraged, I remembered that I wanted to also "focus" on texture. Somebody suggested that I dither to give the rocks texture so in my last pic you can see what was achieved. I also messed with the palet to go from 28 colors to only 10. I also changed the format from gif to png in the process.
So overall, I am still not satisfied. I'm planning on starting a 4th set of rocks to illiminate the brick effect and make it appear more like rock comming out of the earth. Go back to making it
tileable I think. I would love to hear your suggestions and hope to post an update soon!
I hope you guys dont think I abandoned the layered attempt to soon, It was really buggin me that I didnt tile them, so I started over again to impliment that.
I also really didn't like the "layered effect" I achieved. Altho intesting, My goal was to make solid rocks and not layers, rather then fix it I just started over... but I think This has more promise!