AuthorTopic: The Most Extreme Off-Topic Thread  (Read 92524 times)

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Re: The Most Extreme Off-Topic Thread

Reply #30 on: July 24, 2005, 02:58:50 am
Do ou have a PSP or a DS, ::Naso::? Those points look like rumors and the like running around the net without the proper context.
1) If this were true, the square button wouldn't be able to make a signal to the circuit board making it useless. Judging by how little attention I see given to it several months after the PSP launch, I feel this is hardly the problem some people would like to make it.
2)Heard this too, but it would only happen if you twisted it hard, which I don't see any sane person doing to a several hundered dollar piece of electronics.
3) I'm having a hard time finding any google searches on lockups, as my searches are being polluted by links to PSP hacking sites. If this is a serious issue, though, I would doubt that Sony could sell over 2.5 million PSPs worldwide if the lockups were even close to being regular.

And I take offense to calling the Nintendo(not GBA) DS a gimmick, as that would imply that it's various capablilities(dual screens, microphone, touchscreen, etc.) hold no useful purpose. A fact that would be contrary to several titles already out - Mario 64, Yoshi Touch 'N' Go, Kirby Canvas Curse, Feel The Magic, etc. - and many other titles on their way like Nintendogs, Mario & Luigi 2, Animal Crossing DS to name a very small few.

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Re: The Most Extreme Off-Topic Thread

Reply #31 on: July 24, 2005, 04:17:53 pm
Ooh, BURN!

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Re: The Most Extreme Off-Topic Thread

Reply #32 on: July 24, 2005, 11:39:09 pm
This isn't exactly what I would call "Extreme" by any means. Heh. ;D

On to the current topic, however, I'm a firm believer that the DS has the potential to be a much better system than the PSP. Not because the DS has great hardware - actually, I'm pretty disappointed in that category - but because of the touch screen, microphone, GBA port, and dual-screens.  I don't really think that Nintendo sees it, but those together have the ability to make some very unique and far more interesting games than even the top of the line lineup (meaning, Yoshi's Touch & Go, Kirby: Canvas Curse, and Super Mario 64 DS) in my opinion. The DS is not just a system meant for minigames. Why is it being treated like one?

Game wise, the PSP probably has the DS beat. I don't know. But I'm not very excited with the games for the DS, since most of the best ones are simply minigames. Super Mario 64 DS was good, but, come on, it's just a slightly upgraded version of the 64 one. Yoshi's Touch & Go, to be honest, bored the hell out of me within minutes. Kirby: Canvas Curse is probably the best thing the system has seen yet, but it's still not "great." I am looking forward to some of the upcoming games, however, like Animal Crossing DS, Nintendogs, Metroid Prime: Hunters, etc.

So for me, it was basically that the DS wasn't no ridiculous sum of money and it has potential. Hell, anyone could basically brainstorm up a dozen great ideas for this system in just a few hours, if not less. If only some of those would come to fruition. :(

Hell yeah Wisconsin is hot this summer. Like constantly 90 and higher.

Heh. Not sure how hot that is compared to the normal summer temperature there, but it's been consistently 100+ here since about the beginning of May (that's about 37.8+ Celsius to those of you that don't use Fahrenheit). Of course, I live in a desert, and guess what happens? :P
Hey, #pixelation is still around on So point your favorite IRC client that way and hang a while.

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Re: The Most Extreme Off-Topic Thread

Reply #33 on: July 26, 2005, 01:50:07 pm
Oh, its going to get extreme!!!!

Bad headache today!!

Otherwise, starting to feel.. artistic again. Weoooo...

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Re: The Most Extreme Off-Topic Thread

Reply #34 on: July 26, 2005, 05:30:38 pm
I keep trying to make something and it keeps looking like garbage.

I need an extreemee rest.

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Re: The Most Extreme Off-Topic Thread

Reply #35 on: July 26, 2005, 08:12:59 pm
tsk... im so disapointed.
My yard feels so bare now.
We have to cut down all our poplar trees because they all died. so Wev cut down atleast 13 trees if not more already.
It feels so empty...
« Last Edit: July 26, 2005, 09:01:10 pm by flaber »

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Re: The Most Extreme Off-Topic Thread

Reply #36 on: July 26, 2005, 09:48:37 pm
I know how that feels, about the trees. We cut down ONE at our old home before we moved.. one, at the edge of a freaking forest, to get it out of the way for .. TV channel things and stuff. It made a difference. And 13 is a lot more than one...

On a completely unrelated note, I got Beatmania IIDX 9th Style last week! Wooo! My right hand ached a lot that day...

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Re: The Most Extreme Off-Topic Thread

Reply #37 on: July 27, 2005, 01:11:27 am
Hey, I have a problem.

Recently, my firefox crashed, and it did that thing where you need to pick a new account (like, choose your name from the list and stuff) and now firefox wants to download EVERYTHING. Like, it used to play quicktime movies in the browser window, now it wants to download them. It also tries to download .jpg files. I HATE THIS.

Is there a way to fix this? I don't know how to change firefox accounts.

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Re: The Most Extreme Off-Topic Thread

Reply #38 on: July 27, 2005, 02:49:56 am
Go to Options>Downloads> And see if the circle check box is checked next to 'Ask me to save every file'.
And ot change firefox accounts, here's something I got from a google.

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Re: The Most Extreme Off-Topic Thread

Reply #39 on: July 27, 2005, 03:03:53 am

I got the account thing to work out, but I still can't figure out how to get the stuff to play in my browser. I even clicked on the "Browser play" thing, but it doesn't work.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2005, 03:14:33 am by StairwaytoEvan »