Uh, offtopic doesn't equal random, jerking-off nonsense thread, I think?
Anyone here seen the recent mythbusters? For those who don't know of it, it's this show where they try to prove or disprove myths, urban legends, and the like.
Anyways, as it is shark week on dsicovery, MBs have decided to make sharks myths their theme for the show, a show which I can fully state, with absolutely no hyperbole, as being the peak of television entertainment. This very peak in question being a scene where one of the two hosts swims in shark infested water and PUNCHES any sharks that get near him to see if you can really scare away a shark by hitting it in the nose!!!! That's right, he FUCKING PUNCHES a shark in shark infested water while being surrounded by an additional 4-10 sharks. All the while being laughed at by the other fucking host who is swimming nearby in some sort of scuba suit thing.
It's absolutely the best thing you will ever see, and I recommend sitting your ass down, and watching, if you see this episode of MBs while flipping channels.