Hi guys,
I started making a game a while back how ever got caught with the blues, I lost files after a format and I've only got the client now, lost the server files, I'd also like to start over since it was a learn as I go along project, I feel like I've got a bit more knowledge to go at it better, create a more solid foundation for the game.
How ever I've been working on this project alone so it might be interesting to work with others on it,
So whether you're a coder/story teller/mapper/artist of some sort,
here's a https://www.facebook.com/Golemized/ to the project, There aren't many photos how ever what I had was an over world with around 20 zones, houses, schematics for houses, I had a market system from which to sell mined ore, the mines had a couple of zones, the further down for ore of higher quality etc.
Custom character design and so on, and a ton of ideas. The theme is steampunk/victorian, I'd like to add quests and fun features..I was working on the multiplayer side of it before I stopped.
The plan's to start over, draw things out and then start coding. So far players will just be dropped into the immigration office and from there explore the world. It's called golemized because pets play a huge role, they'd have most of the story around them and the mad scientists that created them. They are used for battles and for carrying stuff, for mining and so on.
So if you'd like to share ideas if you can imagine such a game world let me know.
It is definitely not a small project. And in truth it wont be created to the best it could be, because I'm not an expert programmer, story teller or sprite artist. also you could just like the fb page if you're interested in keeping track and maybe checking out opportunities at times when I'll pay for new content, also if you follow you can suggest new art and so on. And maybe make it too.