Hello everyone !
First of all, I'd like to introduce myself. I'm 28, French and an hobbyist artist. I've stalked the forum for quite a while, and i feel like participating could be a good thing. I'm currently working on a game project, using game maker. It's a platformer / RPG / roguelike / dungeon crawler, the line is still very blurry between those elements, I'm working on the engine for now. I started this project by making some pixel dwarves, and I felt the urge to see them running around, that's how i started. The animations of the dwarf is the very first piece of pixel art I made, he's currently very bland, carrying no item and is dressed poorly. I made him as a place holder and a base for the upcoming classes I plan to make, so refining it could be a good idea before making a sprite that will be in the game "for real".
As you can see, the images are quite small, giving a retro feeling I was looking for. It's also faster to make stuff, witch is one of my top priority : if I want something to be finished, I can't spend 10 hours on an idle animation, or 3 hours on a stone texture. I have a full time job and do it as a personal project. I want a lot of enemies, a lot of textures and furnitures, a lot of unique stuff. Pixel art was THE way to go.
This topic will be edited with new elements as I make them. Comments, criticism, advices are welcome.
A few concepts arts.

Yes, I like beards, beer and bears. And dinosaurs.Dwarf animations :

I might make the dwarf one or two pixels taller (and larger), because right now he's just a little bit taller than the blocks of my levels, which makes it no-so obvious that he can't go inside 1 bloc high tunnels. Where goblins can go, because they're really small. It would make the dwarf a bit bigger, larger.Done.
Goblin's animations :

He's quite nervous.As you can see I've tried to work wit very limited palette, I want the result to be clean, smooth, quite minimalistic. I spend a lot of time right now on codding, so i won't have a lot of new stuff to show in a near future, but I'll post a few screenshots when i will have enough textures to show something.
Thanks for reading !
Bonus : Very early screenshot.

[EDIT] : new stuff in, old stuff out.