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Messages - lachrymose
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Pixel Art / Re: Problem with a girl running animation
« on: July 04, 2016, 10:57:00 am »
Well at some point you significantly made her legs shorter and her shoulders broader, you've also added to her bust and her arms size. Which is why she is giving off a rather masculine vibe right now.

You need to raise the hips up, and reduce everything else basically.

Pixel Art / Re: Rpg Character Base
« on: July 03, 2016, 01:37:41 pm »
It looks like a human, in that it has/follows the general human silhouette. My one issue with it is is that you are caught between being chibi/cartoonish and realistic. For a character at this resolution, with the style you are going for I wouldn't worry to much about following human anatomy strictly. Relax the drawing a bit and allow it to become a bit more chibi like.

Colors are okay, I don't really understand the blue outline when you have a nice dark red already in the palette that can serve the same purpose. I would get rid of the blue and allow for larger clusters to show general forms. Trying to get too detailed with trying to convey muscle groups is just going to get in the way of your general design. Is this character really going to be naked at all anyway?

I'd also get rid of that aa, really doesn't serve much of a purpose at this point

Pixel Art / Re: Geed Hutwirt The Weird Guy
« on: June 26, 2016, 01:05:53 am »
Sorry you didn't receive feedback with your last piece. So I'll do my best to try and give you some constructive feedback.

Right now I don't really see any direction with your work here. What/who is he supposed to be? What is he doing? What is your purpose in drawing him? He gives off the impression of an aimless doodle and that makes it very hard to critique or even provide a decent edit with.

I'm not even sure what I'm doing with this edit lol.

I think, for starters you need to lower the resolution you are working at. Start with some smaller sprites to start building the fundamentals of pixel art. Take a good tour of the forums here and read up on the the many tutorials posted about. Pick a person of whose art you enjoy and start mirroring the techniques you see them use. Also start working on art fundamentals. Draw shapes, plays with colors, study anatomy, gesture, practice still life...etc.

Take your time an work from the ground up and most of all have fun  :y:

Pixel Art / Re: Mage sprite take 2
« on: June 25, 2016, 02:16:46 pm »
Nice start dude!

I think the biggest issue here is that he really don't read all mage like. Maybe a sneaky thief? Add some details like magic effects or wands/staffs to really bring out that mage like personality!

Also don't be afraid to experiment with adding a bit more color to add detail and personality to the clothing of your mage.
Hope this helps, have fun!

Pixel Art / Re: D&D - Kleptomania
« on: June 23, 2016, 12:12:09 am »
Editing an edit. If thread goes anywhere I'll take a stab at it over the weekend when I'm not so tired. To many pixels right now.

Tightened up a few things.

Could you put into words where I scrooged the anatomy? I still struggle with that somewhat right now so I'd appreciate a breakdown.

Sure, general proportion sizes are good, head, neck(zarya has a thick neck) and the raised forearm could be a bit bigger. The greatest issue is the lack of shoulders take a look at how both PPD and I pronounced her shoulders more.

The pose is an issue as well, i took the liberty of acting it out in my underwear and confirmed that it is a very unnatural and off balance position to be in. But I understand if your hands are tied

Some thoughts about anatomy and pose.
Legs could use some fixing in my edit, but you get the idea.

Pixel Art / Re: Breaking Bad - Walter White
« on: June 12, 2016, 09:19:34 pm »

Code: [Select]
Also don't scale up images. There is an auto scale feature that allows us to scale an image simply by clicking on it.

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