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Topics - dk99
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2D & 3D / Need help with a player sprite for a 2D game
« on: January 11, 2014, 04:49:18 pm »
I'm making a small 2D game in Java for a college assignment, I've got a lot set out, collisions, gravity etc. and up until now I've been using a white box to test it and its about time I got in an animated player, I know how to do the code, but I lack a sprite sheet I can use. After about an hour of playing around I've come to the realisation I cannot do graphics. Can anyone help me out by pointing me to a place where I could get a sprite sheet? or someone to make me one? It would be 32x64. It's a side-on game and the player is going to be running & standing still. Any help would be very appreciated.

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