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Messages - Lachie Dazdarian
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Pixel Art / Frogger graphics
« on: June 23, 2012, 11:42:36 pm »
It's a screenshot from a game I'm working on.

This is my first post and I'm sorry if it feels like trolling, but I'm finally determined to start seriously working on my pixel art skills, as I'm convinced that the lack of them is the main hindrance to my game dev goals.

I developed a lot of GFX for my (freeware) retro games, but it was mostly running in circles, releasing bearable graphics.

One of my older games:

I finally want to improve, I mean, 100 % concentrate on pixel art skill..

The first image is my most recent work (sort of a "realistic" bloody Frogger game) so I'm basically asking. Is this a good basis to build upon? Do you see something painfully wrong about it? Cheers!

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