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Messages - Mr. Fahrenheit
Pages: 1 ... 30 31 [32] 33

Pixel Art / Re: Mini animation, having troubles with it
« on: July 02, 2012, 11:46:41 pm »
Here is an edit i made to your animation.

I made a color for the foreground arm and a color for the background arm, I made him less stompy (see frames 3 & 8 he raises his foot right before he puts it down), I edited his chest shape, and I made it so his arms and legs move with each other which is more realistic. Lastly I added a head bob to make it seem like his steps have impact.

Pixel Art / Re: Mini animation, having troubles with it
« on: July 01, 2012, 10:23:43 pm »
One reason he seems like he is marching is when he moves his legs he doesnt kick out his calf until the very end of his thigh extension. It should all happen in one fluid motion. I will probably either make an edit or show you a similar animation done by me.
Edit: Here it is: Keep in mind this is all perfect and i think is a little smaller then yours.
Double edit: this is NOT all perfect is what was meant to be there.

Pixel Art / Re: Jumping Pumpkin C+C
« on: June 28, 2012, 03:52:16 pm »
For a pumpkin with that much motion it would need to jump much higher. If you want it to stay at that same height then make it jump faster.

Pixel Art / Re: fruity shading experiments
« on: June 27, 2012, 01:26:39 pm »
I think the plum has an odd shape on your drawing, not too reminiscent of your sketch. Also for the lemon, the pores/dimples are not visible unless you really try to look. Maybe you could darken the dimples up a small amount. Besides that I think they look incredibly realistic

For the attack animation I would have the actual sword take only 1 frame to get to the other side but have the smear take a few. This will make the animation seem quicker.

General Discussion / Re: Pyxel Edit pixel art editor
« on: June 25, 2012, 01:12:35 am »
Wow this editor is really brilliant :o. Great job, especially on the tile editor.

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: Grimoire - Art C&C
« on: June 19, 2012, 01:35:10 am »
I think what would help with the strutting problem is if his hands during the walking animation went over his torso instead of going directly beside it. Right now it looks like his hands never reach past his torso when in reality they should never really go to far past his torso on the swing back.

Pixel Art / Re: Base(WIP)
« on: June 17, 2012, 11:39:36 pm »
For your side view stance you guy loses the perspective hes had for the other. Notice how in the first two the angle is looking down a little, on your side view it is looking directly from the side. You should raise the viewpoint for that sprite.

Pixel Art / Small overgrowth sprites C+C please
« on: June 17, 2012, 01:36:01 pm »

Some small sprites for picture wars. The first two rows are my rabbit sprites and the third row is some dog sprites. You could C+C on the landscape picture if you want but the sprites are preferable.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Adult Scootaloo + Cloudy Scene
« on: June 11, 2012, 08:37:40 pm »
Ashbad, I think you may have gone a little overboard with the anti aliasing on the clouds in the background. It looks very blurry.

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