General Discussion / Re: Takam's mistake.
« on: August 13, 2007, 11:24:51 pm »
Because you're only posting this now, after Jericho's topic seems to me like you're doing this out of personal spite. You should have addressed the issue (minus the hippocracy point) at the time Takam did that piece. Being hippocratic is not against the rules. There's nothing wrong with him telling off Jericho about the similarities, although he was harsh; "do as I say not as I do." You're essentially using this thread to call Takam a hippocrat, which is not at all professional, despite the fact that you say you're doing this because you have to.
In my eyes, him telling Jericho off about the likeness in her piece would mean that he is done with any ripping he did, so all the more reason this should have been posted earlier, and all the more reason this could have been handled privately. Or, you could have bumped his thread with a warning when you were given the link.
In my eyes, him telling Jericho off about the likeness in her piece would mean that he is done with any ripping he did, so all the more reason this should have been posted earlier, and all the more reason this could have been handled privately. Or, you could have bumped his thread with a warning when you were given the link.