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Topics - Ryumaru
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We place rev share along the unpaid section as their is no guarantee of payment/ payment equaling a fair wage.

This topic has been moved to Unpaid Work.

Job offers / MOVED: CREDITED - One time only Youtube channel art
« on: October 08, 2015, 10:25:09 pm »

Pixel Art / LD32 entry gone wild: ' In Your Arms' animation
« on: July 09, 2015, 06:02:16 am »

I nabbed myself a programmer for the latest Ludumdare ( 32) with the theme of " Unconventional Weapon".  You can view our entry here:

So much to say about the development journey; of course this version is just about the minimum viable product ( even less really) but we thought it had potential, as did some of the very kind users who played and rated it! Thus we've decided to pursue a full release for it ( I know, I know, I'll finish something this time; really!)

Below are some of the rough and dirty animations I created for it. I find the character quite charming, and don't feel the need to change much more about her, but I would greatly appreciate critique and suggestions on how to tear these animations apart and remake them much better. I will also post new animations as I create them.




Here's a work in progress idle for a boss to be included in a gameplay demo we are working to release:

Thanks for viewing  :crazy:

« on: June 29, 2015, 07:42:48 pm »

Pixel Art / Berserk (NES) mockup
« on: May 29, 2015, 07:10:54 am »
Hello all, Here's a thing I've been working on. I would like it to fit NES restrictions to the point where it could potentially exist on the console ( please disregard the non tile based text for this matter, as it's just for presentation, but I guess a tile based character alphabet would be 26/256 tiles in memory right?). Comments and general critique are welcome, especially when it comes to the portraits and restriction optimization. If you're lucky I might show my awful attempt at a more close up version of Griffith to match the one of Guts. Also, I will be making a new sprite for Guts to fit the original scene, this one just kind of happened and I thought it was pretty good.

full mockup:

full mockup once I remembered the shared tile color rule:

background only:

Griffith sprite:

Griffith sprite with overlay:

Could definitely use some optimization for his overlay, I'm sure there's a much more clever way to do it. I'd like to save as many sprites as possible for effects and such.

Thanks for viewing   :D

This topic has been moved to Unpaid Work.

Pixel Art / Dark Souls GBC Demake
« on: February 25, 2015, 04:08:09 am »
Been meaning to do something for myself lately, and given my love of Dark Souls and GBC limitations, the subject was obvious.

I'd like to fully make the undead asylum, but I've developed the palettes with the idea in mind that they could cover all of the different areas ( that's how it works right? OR is it only 8 tile palettes on screen at once? If it's the latter, then I feel a bit silly)

I've been wondering on the perspective of the boss room. Back in the day I would have scoffed at all the mixed perspective stuff, but now I think it has a lot of charm ( and more importantly, doesn't use a lot of tiles) but I would love to see any alternative ideas/ examples of other pieces tackling the problem.

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