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Messages - AlexHW
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Devlogs & Projects / Re: After All Angel
« on: January 10, 2017, 08:03:07 pm »
Thanks guys-
I actually thought it would be better received than it currently is.
0xDB, I plan to sell it for $0.99 because it will be very simple.

Devlogs & Projects / After All Angel
« on: January 10, 2017, 03:50:46 pm »
After All Angel

I thought I would post here to help spread awareness to something..
I just recently put up my new game on steam greenlight. It needs your vote.

The game uses symbolism to express certain principles and ideas related to life and death. It is meant to provoke some thought about black and white, light and dark, and what may be found in between. It is based on some revelations I have had through my life, and represents a deep meaning for me.

I also realize that in these cases where votes are cast, usually the creator behind the creation isn't considered- that people tend to look just at the surface and what is being presented. I know it may look confusing, but there is a deeper message to it all. I hope that I can gain your support. This game will be small, but its success will bring bigger things.



  • Added: new Object Mode Constraint option in the settings. When editing an instance of an object, this will prevent selecting/editing of tiles that are not part of the object.
  • Changed: The Active selection key binding is now Shift+Enter. There is also a new key binding for the Object Edit mode (Enter). When you select an object instance, you can now simply press Enter to begin editing the object, or Enter to stop editing the object. You may also have to delete your keyconfig.ini file to prevent your old key bindings carrying over to the new version.
  • Fixed: It would not select tiles, vertices, objects that were positioned behind invisible objects.
  • Fixed: Deleting several hundred tiles at once would freeze the application for a while.
  • Fixed: Due to a nw.js bug, the Debug.log file would grow in size everytime the application is closed- Implemented workaround that removes file when starting app.
  • Changed: Importing prefab objects will now use the filename as their default name instead of a random number.
  • Fixed: Exporting the scene wouldn't work when using only imported prefabs in the scene.
  • Fixed: Importing a file that isn't an image for a tileset would break various tileset functionality. Files are now validated to check that they are images.
  • Fixed: Clicking off the input boxes in the sub-divide dialog would prevent refocusing the input boxes.
  • Fixed: Key bindings should now be disabled during some dialog boxes to prevent key issues.
  • Added: Eye icons for objects and layers in the Scene window. These can be clicked to hide/show objects.
  • Changed: Context menu will disable menu items for actions that are currently inaccessible. For instance, if no tiles are selected then the Faces menu item will be disabled.
  • Fixed: Centering camera now includes selected objects/instances.
  • Added: Objects now become highlighted in Scene tab when an Instance is being edited.


released a new version, also note that I have a patreon page now to help fund crocotile3d development.

  • Added: New crocotile themed Viewcube for rotating/panning/zooming the scene. Click and drag the crocotile to rotate/pan/zoom. It can also be positioned by dragging the small white transparent circle. Also can hide/show it by right clicking the circle.
  • Added: New tile swapping feature. You can swap tiles by selecting tiles in the tileset window and then right-click and dragging them to the desired location. UVs of tiles in the 3d scene will get updated to the new UV locations if their UVs were inside the tile area you are repositioning.
  • Added: New UV Padding input boxes in the Tileset window. When you select from the tiles the corresponding UVs that get generated will be padded inwards by the amount set in the input boxes (x,y). This may be useful to prevent pixels bleeding across the edges of tiles.
  • Added: Tileset window now has a dropdown list for tilesets. This will allow you to pick your tilesets without having to cycle through them.
  • Added: Shortcut keys for cycling through Tilesets (ctrl+[ , ctrl+])
  • Added: Middle mouse button for toggling Active Selection mode.
  • Added: Mouselocking while rotating/panning/zooming.
  • Fix: Copying a tile's UVs to the brush (alt+rightclick in 3d scene in draw mode) would trigger a keyup for the modifier keys. This would potentially cause it to erase tiles instead of copying UVs.
  • Fix: Dragging onto tileset canvas would inadvertently select tiles.

Fix: Exporting wasn't working. The updated version of nwjs that crocotile3d uses in v1.2.7 has a bug, but a workaround has been implemented now to solve the problems when exporting.

Change: nwjs version has been updated to improve compatibility on newer operating systems. Please report if you experience issues running the program.
Fix: alt-tabbing would cause keys to stop triggering due to window losing focus while keys are down. This has been fixed.
Fix: notifications for new versions of the program weren't working correctly due to caching.
Fix: Toggling double-sided mode wouldn't work for tiles that were deconstructed from an object.
Fix: Clicking Crosshair Arrows without dragging them after dragging once would add the drag again to the undo stack causing undo to be inaccurate.
Fix: Tileset window not being displayed under other windows.
Change: Tileset window shouldn't display in taskbar unless minimized.
Added: Rotate clockwise and counter-clockwise now accessible via context menu (right-clicking 3d view while in Edit mode).
Added: A shortcut key for toggling crosshair arrows (the X key).

Latest version adds some useful stuff, and also allows saving for scenes with up to 100 tiles- This will allow new users a chance to test the program more freely!

Also, there are new details on how to get a free key for crocotile3d by creating a tutorial:

Change: Unregistered users can now save if the scene has 100 tiles or less (including tiles in objects). This will allow users to test the program more freely before registering.
Added: Tile spacing texture option on export.
Added: Power of two texture option on export.
Added: Tile count info at bottom of scene window.
Added: Export multiple objects (objects listed in the scene tab). To export, go to File > Export Objects.
Fix: brush/eraser tool not drawing with single clicks is now fixed

Thanks everyone!
@Probo, the process was fairly straightforward. You don't have to do too much unless you want to use features offered with their steamworks api. Although there is a large checklist of things to do in order to get the store ready and your game builds setup in their system.

Hey everyone! good news..
The game was released on Steam

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