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Messages - API-Beast
Pages: 1 ... 25 26 [27] 28 29

Pixel Art / Re: Animated warning text
« on: December 22, 2011, 01:56:06 pm »
Argh, my eyes!   :yell:

In different words: Thats way too much effect, its just annoying. I couldn't concentrate seeing that.

Note that a tile is 8x8 big and a sprite is 8x16 big. So if you have, let's say a 16x32 sprite you can use up to 12 colors (only 3 colors per 8x16 block though).

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP][C+C] Isometric RTS Tiles v2
« on: December 20, 2011, 11:44:59 am »
I actually think those rocks are quite good... ( but well :P )

I still don't really see the problems with round rocks. They might not be 100 percent realistic but imho visually appealing. And you actually see them quite often in games, so they can't be that wrong. (Secret of Mana 3 for example )

Pixel Art / Re: [C&C] Knight platformer character
« on: December 16, 2011, 07:04:25 pm »
Yeah, I'm unsure of how to fix a sharp-looking sword too.

As simple as this:

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP]: Crackhouse RPG Tiles
« on: December 02, 2011, 10:49:42 pm »
The readability really needs some work.
The basic way for that is using different color ramps, the bigger the contrast inside the color ramps is the easier it is to see. That can be archived by high saturation in combination with hue shifts or by darker dark colors and brighter bright colors or of course both in combination. Generally you should avoid using the same colors for characters and background elements.
If you need even more separation you can add black outlines, but thats probably too much already.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Self-Portrait
« on: November 19, 2011, 07:39:59 pm »
The dithering doesn't add anything in this case, it just gives the skin unwanted texture.

General Discussion / Re: orthogonal (?) projection?
« on: November 16, 2011, 04:08:13 pm »
Orthogonal is everything without distortion from perspective (so the angles keep the same no matter where they are located and far away objects are just as big as near objects). So isometric is orthogonal just like all the other projections in that graphic (with the exception of the first).

Zelda is practically orthographic with some weirdness. (Well it's inconsistent, some parts are shown Top Down from the front, some from Top Down from the back)
Diablo like pretty much all 2D games (with prerendered 3D) graphics has a orthogonal projection.

Archived Activities / Re: Secret Santa 2011 - Signup Thread
« on: November 11, 2011, 09:06:26 pm »
I'm in.

I prefer cool and atmospheric over cute and like original characters/creatures.

Pixel Art / Re: help with learning pixel art
« on: November 09, 2011, 09:22:27 pm »
Don't! work with single, hard defined grass strands. Work with a general structure instead.

The "Structurization" part of this tutorial shows quite well how you do that:

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] 16x16 Tilesets for
« on: October 29, 2011, 02:36:55 am »
As for your latest sketch, the texture still doesn't feel quite right. It looks even more like wrinkled up paper now, or maybe tree bark. Again, I'd study the edit Surt did for you, as well as the reference photos that were posted. The textures that were posted for you have all been sharp, angular, and large/flat shapes. Everything you're posting is much bumpier/noisier/organic looking than it should be. Work with big, flat shapes, at first, then add a little texture later.
The sketch was more to get the tile layout I need. The structure is still very incomplete, it's just the basic structure, I didn't add any features yet.
Here is a little update on it:

Take a look at these pictures:
Do you see the big vertical patterns on the straight faces? Those are kinda my reference. There is more to a cliff/canyon, but in tilesets you have to simplify and especially in 16x16 there isn't much place for multiple structural details.

About the flat & angular thingy: keep in mind that the structure of rock is quite depended on the forces working on them. In deserts you have quite strong winds which make the rocks more round. Maybe you should take a look at the reference image that were posted here yourself, the rocks you see there are almost all round.

Also, as a few people have already mentioned, your cliffs should be around the same color as your sand, since they're made of the same material. Just changing your cliff colors to the sand colors would probably help a *lot* with making them look more like cliffs instead of trees, if you want to try that first.
Don't you think I already tried that? It simply looks way too dull. By the way the highlights of the rocks have the same color as the sand, take a look at the previous cliff tiles, it's what makes it blend that nicely together at the top.

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