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Messages - Ben2theEdge
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General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread
« on: November 09, 2009, 06:12:02 pm »
Actually my first kiss was pretty darn fantastic. On a hillside with indie-rock blaring at the festival down below on a beautiful day, and we had just eaten sandwiches so she tasted like peanut butter.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Another pixeled portrait
« on: November 05, 2009, 04:06:53 pm »
Here's a quick NPA edit, I didn't have time to properly pixel it but the general ideas should still come across.

Basically there's big issues with volumes and hues. You're trying too hard to preserve the lineart, so in the colring there's very little flow in terms of light/dark, everything is very washed out and consequently the only thing that jumps out are the outlines. Balance and flow are something that should be present in the value and hue of the piece as well as the general composition.

Positive and negative space are present in your lineart but you've colored it in such a way that there is none, it's all very flat. If you were to take out the linework this piece would be nearly indecipherable. Hue and value can and should be used to help communicate the space that you are trying to portray. After the initial sketch I believe this is the most important step in any finished work and should really be taken care of first, before you even start thinking about detailing. Look how much the picture pops when you add a bit of variety, without making any drastic changes to your character design.

Pixel Art / Re: [♥] critique pls - do your heart, what you did to mine.
« on: November 04, 2009, 06:37:48 pm »
Having that little bit of negative space between the legs that Maru added is really good - negative space is often neglected but it is an important element. Although having her foot flat on the ground like in Maru's edit loses some of the dynamic feeling from the original.

Pixel Art / Re: Platformer tiles
« on: October 29, 2009, 01:09:19 pm »
Actually the contrast is correct: the more distant objects are lower contrast and lighter. It gives a very good sense of atmosphere. Although I agree that the whole thing is probably a bit too noisy if you were going to use this in a game. Sometimes large areas of texture are best summarized with a carefully few placed patches of detail rather than showing every single rock and pebble, brick and leaf. That way, as Emtch said, you will be able to direct the player's attention to the most important things on the screen.

Pixel Art / Re: RPG Sprites from Concept Art
« on: October 29, 2009, 01:02:05 pm »
I think the concepts for your characters have a lot more life in them, the sprites are all pretty much generic mannequin stances. RPGs are a very old and slow-growing genre and there are a lot of conventions that are simply taken for granted with them since the very first Dragon Warriors and Final Fantasies - such as giving all the characters that same tired "soldier-standing-at-attention" type pose. Chrono Trigger briefly challenged these ideas, look at how energetic those character's poses are! But for reasons beyond me that game's artistic innovation was tossed by the wayside and completely forgotten. But there's no reason to submit to these ancient restrictions unless you're using an antiquated engine that demands it. Either way I don't think it does justice to your character designs, although the pixel work is fine I'd love to see some of the energy from the original concepts.

Pixel Art / Re: Spiral Wank
« on: October 21, 2009, 01:41:33 pm »
Pixelling aside I see a major problem with composition. 50% of your piece is blank space and the other half is made up of tiny condensed details. There's no reason for microscopic characters and pinprick text when you have that much empty space to work with. Even if this is a fake for a game (which I'm not sure if it is?) composition and proportion should be the first issue that gets addressed.

Pixel Art / Re: SNES-style RPG stuff
« on: October 20, 2009, 03:22:32 pm »
I don't think you should be using the same green hue for all the plant life. Grass, trees, bushes and vines do not color-coordinate in real life so they shouldn't be doing so here, either, unless you have genuine palette restrictions. Giving them variation in hue will not only make things more varied but it will also separate these elements from the background a little and make it look less flat.

Pixel Art / Re: Help with creating walking animation
« on: October 12, 2009, 01:58:01 pm »
I don't agree that you should break your character into animated and non-animated pieces. This is not how things move - the entire body is involved with even a seemingly simple action. Animate the whole body as a rough sketch first and then decide which pieces you can re-use, if any, when you do the final pass. Otherwise I promise you'll get very stiff and lifeless animations every time.

General Discussion / Re: A question on "Style"
« on: October 01, 2009, 01:44:40 pm »
I almost feel like anything that could be identified as my "style" is actually more like people identifying my bad habits and worn out tropes. It's certainly not a bad thing to have your own "style" but I think it happens on its own without any effort. Besides that I feel like people who deliberately try to cultivate a "style" end up just riffing on the artists who inspired them. I find myself having to fight this urge constantly.

2D & 3D / Re: Sprite interpretations
« on: September 11, 2009, 01:52:59 pm »
Awesome as always, Arne... I haven't played Z but from judging by the screenshots, it's got this weird sort of Spaghetti Western or possibly even American Civil War flavor mixed into it, except that's genuinely futuristic and not simply garden variety steam-punk. From a conceptual standpoint it seems that there's a lot of untapped potential there.

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