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Messages - Retronator
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General Discussion / Re: background sizes and time to finish
« on: April 12, 2018, 08:33:47 am »
I'd say single-screen sizes of old computers would be considered small-medium. GBC at 160×144 would be a good example of something small. Medium size for me would be GBA at 240×160, and 80s/90s desktops. ZX Spectrum 256×192 up to DOS/Amiga 320×240. Anything much bigger than that, so backgrounds that span multiple screens, and I'd say it's large.

Time estimates really depend. Let me give you some examples for myself (I feel I work quite slow).

You could do a chicken-scratch painting or concept art in 2h (a style that's often not technically pixelart anymore). 300×160:

Same with using things like HD index painting that does dithering and anti-aliasing automatically, you can do the same size image in 2-3h. 340×192:

This is more a lo-res digital painting, than pixel art. But Dan Fessler has better examples that are more pixel art-ish.

A simple, but manually (semi-)cleaned up background goes to 10h. 320×160:

But what really matters is how many details there are (what I call 'density' of the image). Here's a bigger scene that took in the ballpark of 50h. I optimize speed of dithering using my own technique with layers. 512×192:

And finally, this is not really a background anymore, but a good example of extreme density (while also being a big canvas to begin with). Took 200h. 540×382:

So as you can see, the range is all over the place and due to density of details and amount of cleanup, has less to do with canvas size than subject/style. And certain optimization techniques (plus your experience) again influence the time.

Pixel Art / Re: my noobie pixelart
« on: April 08, 2018, 06:03:06 pm »
I think you should keep going! And if you were interested in anything more specific, do ask.

Pixel Art / Re: Im totally NEW to painting and especially to Pixel Art
« on: April 08, 2018, 05:56:12 pm »
I am writing a huge study guide that has a big-picture view of everything there is to learn in (pixel) art, as well as activities to get you started (those are very WIP and only cover some black & white drawing so far):

In the Progress level I also talk about designing a study plan by picking and dissecting a bigger goal.

General Discussion / Re: How is it done ?
« on: April 08, 2018, 05:41:31 pm »
I think they're all just digital paintings. The railings show that the outlines try to be pixel art(ish), but the way everything else is painted is like Ai explained.

As for how they do it, there are dozens way. Searching for a term such as "metal texture photoshop tutorial" should give you some ideas. Replace "metal" with whatever you need. But in general, any digital painting tutorial/technique applies here.

Pixel Art / Re: How to make a proper eye, nose and mouth?
« on: March 09, 2018, 02:44:37 pm »
I second that (drawing on paper first). Here's my process for a similar portrait setup:

It was my first time doing this, so you can see I struggled quite a lot at the start. At one point even Fool did a paintover to help me in the right direction. I also used a lighting reference (and experimented with a shading technique that I threw away at the end). Some early steps of this process are captured here:

But yeah, if you're after realism, I suggest a realistic reference to guide your process. Again, I'm far from experienced in this area so take it with a grain of salt. Here are some more expressions from the game:

General Discussion / Re: Retronator Pixel Art News
« on: December 04, 2017, 06:59:10 pm »
Mustache episode is ready!

Pixel Art / Re: Question About Animation Format
« on: November 20, 2017, 02:54:55 pm »
Colors in a GIF still have 24 bit depth (8 bits per RGB channel = 8 * 3 = 24), even though pixels use only 8 bits and therefore can only have one of 256 different colors. But these 256 colors are any of the 16 million available. Your GIF has 24 bit colors and an 8 bits per pixel format.

There are three concepts at play here. One is color depth, which is how many bits are used to represent each color shade. In a vast majority of instances these days we work with 24 bit colors, 8 bit per color channel. GIF also uses 24 bit colors.

Second concept is indexed colors. In a GIF, the colors are put into a color table, essentially the palette your GIF will use. Each color in the table has its index, so that the GIF can easily refer to it by a single number, from 0 to 255. Ergo, indexed colors.

Now, each pixel needs to be able to say which of these 256 colors it uses, so to represent a number from 0 to 255 you need 8 bits (2^8 = 256). So the GIF needs to spend 8 bits per pixel to tell which color each pixel has. This is the third concept, bits per pixel. GIF uses 8 bits per pixel.

If an image is not indexed, it will store the color directly for each pixel instead of using a separate table. It will say exactly which 24 bit shade to use for every pixel. So it will use 24 bits per pixel and represent 24 bit colors. In this case bits per pixel corresponds to color depth. But you can't say the same for indexed images, because they chose to make a tradeoff. In the GIF example, they spend only 8 bits per pixel (1/3 the size) to choose a color, but can only have max of 256 colors. And they have to separately store data for the palette, 256 colors * 24 bits, so the total space gained is a bit less than 2/3. It's more nuanced in practice because most image formats also use compression on top of that, but let's not get into that.

Hopefully not too giberish to understand.

Also, you can make something great no matter the color depth or bits per pixel used. There are plenty awesome black and white games that only use 1 bit colors/1bpp.

General Discussion / Re: Retronator Pixel Art News
« on: November 05, 2017, 01:44:53 am »
New episode!

General Discussion / Re: Retronator Pixel Art News
« on: October 02, 2017, 09:00:34 pm »
I didn't realize I counted as multiple "some people" who mentioned your fast speech, heheh.

That's because you weren't the only one. ;D

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll put it on my to-do list so I at least mention it on the blog at one point. (My to-do list is growing faster than I'm clearing things off, so I might need to consider posting 2x a day soon.)

General Discussion / Re: Retronator Pixel Art News
« on: October 02, 2017, 09:57:27 am »
September edition is out, now with steam links, more pauses between segments, and 10% slower talking. :) Thanks for the feedback last time!

Also, if you want to support the show, you can get the Extended Edition with 10min bonus content as a reward on Patreon. It's by no means necessary—the extended games section will also come out for free, like it did in August:

I hope you enjoy it!

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