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Topics - Luzeke
Pages: 1 [2]

Pixel Art / [WiP] Game project "Jobel" mock-up
« on: December 31, 2006, 01:13:02 am »
Spring is approaching and with it our second-year game project. We get ten weeks to make a game, whatever game we want. So I'm putting pretty much everything aside to work on that. So I've started doing a mock-up for my game. Here's the mockup.

There are a couple things missing here though, like the GUI.
Update [2/1 -07]:

The player controls two characters simultaneously, the demon-ish guy to the leftmost, and the burning sprite thingie in the middle. The military guy is an enemy.

Pixel Art / Wolfenstein-ish guy and smoke
« on: December 05, 2006, 09:42:14 am »
Doodling around during class.

I'll update my little creature with a santa hat when class is over.


Noticed that his left thigh is a bit long.

Pixel Art / Little creature with a santa hat.
« on: December 04, 2006, 04:09:20 am »
On a lecture I started doodling on a small creature jumping around doing stuff. I liked it, refined it and decided to use it in my little christmas game I'm making for a competition.  :P

I didn't really want to use four frame walking animation, but my code doesn't allow much more than that without the animation getting chopped so I'll have to deal with it (plus, I'm lazy :lol:) The animation from the back looks really bad, gotta fix that.

Burp/Attack animation. Actually my first attempt at animating smoke.  ;D

Crits & Comments are always welcome.

I haven't figured out what to call this little thing. Not like name of a character, more like name of the creatures race. If you get an idea, please post it.  :)

Pixel Art / Turtles emotes
« on: November 05, 2006, 11:23:08 pm »
At our student forum here at school we're discussing about having our own set of emotes/emoticons/smileys. Since our formal outfit is a ninja suit we talked about having ninja smileys. Then someone said "how about turtles?" I just had to try that out. And this is the result  :lol:

Pixel Art / Enemy Sprite - Skull Mutant [updated 28/10]
« on: October 26, 2006, 07:01:32 pm »
My first post on the new Pixelation!

Here's an enemy from my ongoing game project.

The only thing that bugs me about it is the pants. Do they look ok?

Here's an explanation I wrote on a question about the skull.

Q: I just don't know how your skull is supposed to mutate out of your head.

A: Heh, no logic is needed for enemies. But I'll give you my explanation of it. The mutation is more of a combination of evolution and mutation. They are outsiders who have been pushed away to live in a heavily polluted and radiated enviroment for centuries. They lost all their hair due to the radiation and after a while the mutation caused a massive amount of cartilage to form on the skin of the head. This merged with the cranium when the skin on the head where obsolete due to the cartilage and later were replaced by actual bone. The tounge actually is more of a tentacle since it doesn't protrude from the mouth. The mouth is placed behind the tentacle, which will be visible in some of the animations.

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