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Messages - Savick
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Pixel Art / Re: Goob throwing a nasty bone and licking itself
« on: January 15, 2014, 12:17:12 am »
I can't really see the bone on the second version and the first doesn't have the bone being thrown that I can tell. I'm not sure how you would make the bone more noticeable besides an outline or making the background color darker. His right arm also kinda fades into his loincloth making it hard to see. I like the animation.

Pixel Art / Re: My first tries in pixel art [C+C]
« on: January 13, 2014, 11:15:59 pm »
Well, right now both images are so big they break the h scroll. Resize them so we can see the whole thing on one page and we can go from there.

Pixel Art / A samurai guy and I'll probably post more later.
« on: January 13, 2014, 04:40:15 pm »
Say what you want about it! I'm here to improve and get used to criticism. So, if it sucks, say how it can be better. I'm using a 16 color palette.

Something I did this afternoon. Just gonna keep on posting new work whether I get comments or not.  :P

I think I have trouble discerning how a top down and platform sprite would differ because this is supposed to be top down and I'm not sure about it.
I just noticed the arm being off on the right, plus its a WIP. Any thoughts guys?

some more work on the samurai. I'd love some input!

Thanks for the input guys! I would have replied a lot sooner but I didn't see any replies to the thread in like 5 hours time.

Anyway. A C++ coder and I have been working on the game engine for the past 4-5 days and we could use some help.
If you know anyone who wants to work on a fun project with innovative ideas - and you know C++ - then...
I'd really like it then if you could come help our team code!

Pixel Art / 16 Color Story --- Looking for 2nd Programmer C++!
« on: April 21, 2012, 06:22:33 am »
So here's a mock up WIP.

Here's a bigger size.

And this is what it's about!
16 color story is about a robotic dog with a cannon for a head lost in the depths of space. He wants friends. What he gets is a way to build his own planet in the form of Earth Elemental Cannonballs. So, he (his name is Boom) builds this planet of a 20x20 limit square. The player can place Earth blocks and destroy them in a 123 321 way. Eventually when your planet gets big enough you start attracting things to it. Like monsters, chests, and other things. But most importantly you get neighbors. You can build them houses and talk with them about different things. Farther down the line you will leave your home planet in search of the other 3 elements, those being fire water and wind. Where in the galaxy will Boom find the elements? Will he save the galaxy or just be content with having friends?

Anyway, I'm a pixel artist with game design ideas and not much else. I can't offer any money at all to hire someone. So, there's that difficulty. I need a programmer and a music maker. I can do all the animations myself (probably).

I was thinking of making a series of games based on this concept - like starting small with just block placing within limits and using gravity - and going forward from there.

What do you guys think of this? I've already got one music maker somewhat interested in this also.

Basic mock-up idea with improvised side characters and plot idea.


As for what needs to happen with the enemies firing from his cannon head, I think I'll make special platforms for the player to stand on so they can shoot out random/different enemies to fight with cannon ammo. And if that doesn't work I guess I'll just stick in enemies like normal, although I don't want to go with that. I'm thinking of having Mannon star in a platforming game called Circus of Clouds. It would be about his adventures in a retro-future floating islands of metal type world with circus themes.

Have to say I liked the older sprite better, not because of its size but because his limbs didn't seem so "stuck together", as well as lack of an outline and its simplicity, showing you knew not to go overboard with details on something that size. The addition of eyes and the now squarer head actually makes it less obvious that his head's a cannon, if you ask me. Aside from that, the perspective is way off for an RPG mockup. I'd much prefer him in a sidescroller.

Also the enemies don't really make sense, perhaps you could do something clever with a play on circuses, like clowns or wild zoo animals?

I can agree with the smaller sprite being better looking. The enemies were just stupid blobs as placeholders so :p
I'll probably go in the direction you described about the enemies. However, I can't figure out how I'm going to have the main character shoot out enemies from his cannon and not disrupt gameplay. With a top down RPG I was going to have invisible trigger points the player walked on to, but in a platformer the action doesn't really stop for that sort of thing. That's where I am right now.

Spent some time making an RPG looking mock up. (With the battle menu stolen from an obvious source!)

About style: Lighthearted and cartoony, but not overly childish. Not on the side of Kirby cute, but still wacky fun characters and level design. I tried another, larger, sprite to see what he would look like with eyes and I have to say I like it better.

I?ll go ahead and share some ideas I have for the gameplay/genre and such. First of all, I want Mannon to shoot various kinds of projectiles, not just plain cannonballs. So far I think my ideas are best portrayed through a top down RPG.
On the topic of enemies
The player needs enemies in order to be challenged, kill them to get loot, progress, etc. I think the enemies should be shot out of Mannon?s cannon head. There would of course be some mysterious curse or plot device as to why this happens. Example ?  Mannon is walking along through the level and he gets to an invisible trigger area that makes him fire enemies. Three little goons boom out of his face and the game enters a Battle Mode. The player would then fire different types of cannonball ammo at the enemies until the enemy?s HP or the player?s HP reaches zero. There would be a battle menu like in FF games, but kind of different. I think this could work, but I need opinions on it.

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