Looking better Secret cat.
I'm glad you liked it!
I didn't actually use
any references.. which isn't really advisable I suppose. But i will help you with pointers below.
I did keep this piece I made a while back's shading in mind which has a similar point of light and style (though warmer overall, and larger):

Okay.. first thing I notice:
The eyes- try to make the darkness of the eyes blend out a bit to soften the edges a little bit and give her some subtle eyebrows; maybe use the darker golden color.
The hair- it looks actually pretty good but need smoother shapes/clusters. Think of hair like this as silk ribbon almost.
The nose- needs minor touch-ups try to give the bridge of the nose a tad more depth.. but it is close, you have a much better shape now than before I think the main problem is due to:
The lips- they look to straight.. I mean I guess it could work but with the angle they should raise up about 1 pixel on our right side the spacing of the philtrum, the area between the top lip and nose looks a little too long (as it did in the 1st portrait).
The hood- looks better just needs minor clean up on clusters.
good luck & keep it up.