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Messages - Vatterju
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Re: Tileset/ Overworld sprite sizes
« on: May 17, 2018, 06:49:32 am »
I like him a lot! The only significant problem I see is the lack of contrast between the black and the dark green, which is also to far from the "bright" color. Although the red is not bright in itself, the general color balance has the mid shade too close to the black. Are you on a fixed pallette like NES or GBC? If not I would suggest less saturation to bring the colors closer together, and then set more natural ramp, like a warmer, a bit lighter green for the mid shade, and a more orange-ish red.

I think he is more like a two 16x16 tiles tall creature than a 32x32 object, as that would be  the size of its collison mask in game, the wings would just be overflow.

I am indeed using a fixed palette, as this is a GBC style game, however i could use one of the other shades of green on his battle sprite to make it more readable. Also, thank you for the advice regarding his sprite size, I'm still not sure what to do there.

Pixel Art / Re: Tileset/ Overworld sprite sizes
« on: April 16, 2018, 09:35:52 am »
It would be easier to give crits if we had some context for your sprite. What exactly is he? Looks like an owl or a bug to me. Not sure what exactly is going on with his lower half- is he balanced on a ball?
No, actually, it's a giant bug that looks like this.

Pixel Art / Re: Help a Beginner Out!
« on: April 10, 2018, 05:26:46 pm »
Some advice; It's a good idea to clean up any rough or awkward edges you might have while doing an outline. The smoother the curve, the better it looks!
And when it comes to shading, don't shade the borders of a shape, this often looks unrealistic and kind of odd. My technique is to add colours in blocks, with a light source in mind.
When working with a limited palette, you can kind of cheat by using colours from other parts of your image to provide highlights or shading. Here's an example. I also darkened the colours a bit. High contrast can look pretty good when you only have about 8 colours.

Pixel Art / Tileset/ Overworld sprite sizes
« on: April 10, 2018, 03:05:06 pm »
Hello! I was hoping to get some advice regarding the overworld sprites and tiles for a game i'm working on. I'm using a topdown view, similar to Pokemon or the early Zelda titles. I chose a size of 32x32, both for space and readability, but I'm wondering if it's too big. My plan for the final game is to have each sprite enlarged to two times its size, and that might end up being an issue if the overworld seems squashed. Any advice would be highly appreciated!
Here's a small example of how sprites will look.

Pixel Art / Platforming animations- Please Help!
« on: June 07, 2017, 10:32:27 am »
Hello, I'm new to these forums, but I've been doing pixel art for a while now. I'm having trouble making a believable jump animation for a sprite i'm working on. Please help!
I colour coded the limbs for clarity, and yes, she's doing a naruto run. :crazy:

Running, walking, looking up and crouching animations.

Pages: [1]