« on: June 25, 2016, 06:09:54 pm »
Wow, THAT was fast! Thanks so much for giving me great advice, guys! @Jun, your post was very intriguing. Should I really start from the ground-up and start with the fundamentals of art, then move up to more complex topics and then start pixel art? The task seems daunting, and it would sure take some determination and a good chunk of time. Would my efforts be worth it though? Would love to hear your, or anyone's, thoughts on this.
@Lachrymose, thanks a lot for pointing that out! Now that I think about it, my mage does seem much more like a rogue than a mage. I'll be sure to add some more bits like a wand and perhaps some color to really bring out the ominous dark-arts-master feel.
@Curly, thanks for showing me the video! I'll try my best to study it, although if I really were to start from the ground up, it would be better if I picked this up at a later date.