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Messages - raphaelkox
Pages: [1]

2D & 3D / Re: Realtime Rendering of 3d Meshes as Pixelart
« on: April 03, 2016, 07:16:17 pm »
from my friend on skype:

"If you combine this with a vertex shader that quantizes bone position to limit the framerate of character animation, you could do some pretty sick things with IK"

I don't know jack all about this "Third Dimension" stuff but here you go

Yes, to achieve a better effect, "limited animation" should be used, with a small sumber of animation frames. This could also just be done directly in the 2d modelling application with keyframes spaced accordingly, and then with Unity slowing the animation down suficiently.

I'm pretty sure that Guilty Gear does this to bring the 2D sprite "feel" to 3D models in XRD.
There is next to no smooth movement, the model kind of snap into the next pose.

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