[size=200]Dev diary:[/size][/b]
[size=150]Dev Log 1 first concepts of the game[/size]Here is a first concept arts and char desing idea
char desing

mor info in
https://www.facebook.com/portafolioDigitalFfman22?ref=ts&fref=ts[size=150]Dev Log 2 first test of gameplay[/size]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13512632/Level%20Plus%20Game%20Stuido/dragon_project_test1/index.htmlfinal style, with some test of moves, camera and scenario.
[size=150]Dev Log 3 gameplay works[/size]new version, with:
directional key to move.
A to attack.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13512632/Level%20Plus%20Game%20Stuido/dragon_project_test2/index.htmlfirst test version of dragon-project was delete.
new version of dragon project ver:1.0.3
new features:
experience system.
stats system.
damage system.
enemy hp.
new mob, blue flame.
improve attack animations.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13512632/Level%20Plus%20Game%20Stuido/dragon_project_test3/index.html[size=150]Dev Log 4 gameplay works menu system ver1[/size]instructions:
directional key: move
A: attack
D and F:cast spells
P: pause and char menu
M: mini map
dragon spells.
energy bar.
spells menu
dragon_project ver 1.0.4
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13512632/Level%20Plus%20Game%20Stuido/dragon_project_test4/index.htmlspells updates:A: attack
S and D:cast spells
space bar: pause and char menu
M: mini map
add shadow fireball spell
and explotions effects.
correct some bugs.
dragon_project ver
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13512632/Level%20Plus%20Game%20Stuido/dragon_project_test5.1/index.html[size=150]Dev Log 5 maps style and exploring.[/size]some new Screenshots of the new update of the game.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t31/1909237_509693015806604_759661863_o.jpgin this room you get the slide power and dodge power
https://scontent-b-mia.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/t31.0-8/10005916_509693072473265_1132961722_o.jpg[size=150]Dev Log 6 boss fight test #1[/size]woriking in the first mini boss Big blue flame
working in the first boss

coming soon new playable update

here a little sprite of the hydra boss battle.
testing events and combat variables.
the hydra boss create with spriter by brashmonkey.
[size=150]Dev Log 7 working in the map and mini boss fight.[/size]new game screen capture.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13512632/Level%20Plus%20Game%20Stuido/capturas_0000_Capa-4.png[size=150]Dev Log 8 working in better map tile set[/size]new tilemap for the map temple, more darker, more complex, and with more contrast
[size=150]Dev Log 9 working in better item and equip gui (interactive with out mouse)[/size]equip test interface for the game.
A to select option
S to back
1 to 4 add chest items
5 to 8 add legs items.
direccional key to move
1* select first the type of equip[/list]
2* select the item of the right side. [/list]
tip[size=150]Dev Log 10 desing works.[/size]here is the world Map of the game.
the name of the planet is Terra.

this is the ice golem the protector of the water element tunic.
on the water temple
ready to animate in Spriter
[size=150]Dev Log 11 desing works, coding new boss fight system and second boss Ice Golem[/size]all ice golem attacks in the alpha version.
http://gfycat.com/EagerBackAmericanbulldog[size=150]the link load more faster than the image[/size]
attack 1------>jump attack: falls above the character,hurts him, and stun.
second version: you can stun the golem if the golem falls on ice spikes on the floor
attack 2------>rock ball attack: the golem transform into a solid ball of rock and ice, your only chance is avoid it
attack 3------->kick attack: if you are if you are out of distance of the golem, he will spawns ice spikes in random place of the roof
second version: if you are in close distance you can be crushed by his feet, or you can counter his attack.
attack4------->Ice blizzard: the golem launched a blizzard of ice that can freeze you and makes you a little damage
attack5-------->arms attack: if you avoid his attack, he will stuck in the floor
second version: if you are in close distance you can be crushed by his arms, and you will be pushed far away of him
new oficial dev diary of my metroidvania project. "Dragon curse Project"
http://dragoncprojectdevdiary.blogspot.com/2014/05/dev-diary-dev-log-1-first-concepts-of.html[size=150]Dev Log 12 [/size]Here is a first concept art of the goddes
first test of level up effect.
[size=150]Dev Log 13 zone intro. (black fade out). [/size]new black fade out intro for the zones.
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zEZKYVpuATA/U5AJ3llWB3I/AAAAAAAABn4/3BTtHgZ-yDQ/s1600/zone_intro_test1.gif[size=150]Dev Log 14 background update [/size]new background update, with new tilemap .
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9-ENKkfXmQY/U5KSpLzqICI/AAAAAAAABoQ/DoyA2KaW8NQ/s1600/captura_5_background_update.pngdev bolg here: