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Messages - chris-mcc
Pages: [1]

General Discussion / Re: 500 Hour Pixel Art Masterpiece?
« on: July 07, 2007, 12:56:56 pm »
Exactly my thoughts Evil-Ville.

I'm not even sure if he drew any of it. (Since the work in progress shots look like he just took a wide brush and painted over parts of the buildings. But theres no way that sky or water were done solely in MS paint using pixel art techniques.

And it frustrates me because I work hard to do the crap pixel art that I can do and this idiot just fakes his way through and a bunch of people bow down before him.

Edit: and who the heck is going to work on something for 500 hours and then save it in jpg and watch the details blur away?

General Discussion / 500 Hour Pixel Art Masterpiece?
« on: July 06, 2007, 09:05:24 pm »
Someone sent me a link to this the other day. I looked it over for a while and I know it's several years old but I just had to post it here to see what others think. I did a search just to make sure i wasnt reposting things but theres a chance I missed it. (sorry if thats the case)

Full View Link:

Work In Progress Shot 1:
(Lense Flare is there as a "pallete", he didnt draw it, but since he's using MS paint he uses the colour picker to select colours for the sky from the lense flare picture)

Work In Progress Shot 2:

I'll hold my opinion until some others check this out.

Pixel Art / [WIP] War Memorial
« on: July 03, 2007, 02:19:55 pm »

Just randomly started this yesterday.

I am a pixel amateur and am requesting the C&C of others in order to assist me. My main concern is the actual statue. I'm terrible at AA so any advice you can give would be great. (the bayonet is awfully rough looking, but then again everything about the statue is rough) Also I'm wondering if the colour palette is alright.

The cement is just copied and flipped for ease of use. I'll shade each side individually later.

Reference Photo


Pixel Art / Re: WIP skeleton sprite
« on: June 20, 2007, 09:08:26 pm »
I think Helm's edit puts you on the right track but he still seems too squat and out of proportion (to me). I tend to agree with Helm about the colour palette though. Making things darker and adding some dark brown/greenish shading makes it look like a decomposed skeleton rather than a model from a doctor's office.

I made him slightly taller and cut down the size of his skull and shoulder.

General Discussion / Re: Introductions
« on: June 20, 2007, 05:05:16 pm »
I'm Chris :)

Twenty Two years old, from the backwoods of Ontario Canada.

I've been fiddling with pixel art for fun since I got my first PC in 1996, and I haven't improved any since. I've been aware of these forums for a number of years and even had an account and posted for a while but just couldn't commit myself to it. But here I am back again. Hopefully I stick around a bit more and maybe post something too. (I have a horrible habit of lurking)

I'm friendly and cool but I often get banned from online communities because I love to make suggestions to make things better and this seems to be a "no-no". Looking forward to having that not happen here. (maybe I'll post some pixel art too!)

Pages: [1]