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Topics - Skull_King
Pages: [1]

So like title says I'm a programmer who is making a game and having no artist I also have to do the art for my game! I'd love some advice on how to improved my pixel art! Unlike programming which is natural to me I have a really hard time drawing well. Art takes me a long time and sometimes I even get frustrated and give up because I just can't draw what I want to!Pixel art is the only art I can do because I have no actual drawing skills,like I can't draw curves etc.I have the hardest time when I need to draw big sprites 60x60+ for bosses etc and also have a hard time animating big pieces especially!

So I'd really use some good advice on how to get better and faster! How did you guys get better apart from drawing everyday which is obvious!

I've been drawing for around 2-3 months now and these are some exampled of my "best" work. Please point out any obvious newbie mistakes you see!

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