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Pixel Art / [WIP] Wolf Sprite, could use critique?
« on: January 12, 2019, 04:37:06 am »
I'm still really new to pixel art in general but I've been reading tutorials and stuff because I'm thinking of making a game and am hoping to make my own pixel art for it if I can get the hang of it, and today I tried making one frame of a sprite just to see where I was at and where I should go from here and all that. It's not my first attempt at pixel art but it's the most detailed thing I've tried so far and put this much effort into.

Here's the sprite so far (haven't animated it yet but will eventually):

Like I said I'm really new to all this so I don't really have a preset palette that I used and I'm sure that there's a lot that could be improved, and I'd really appreciate some feedback!! I think the part that was trickiest for me was trying to make the "flatter" areas look more interesting?? (Like the side of the muzzle between the eye and the neck, the torso, and the legs.) I was trying to make it look textured without making it look unnatural and I'm not sure if I did very well at it.

Just in case anybody cares, I did a quick sketch of the character I was trying to make (he's a werewolf) beforehand so that I would kinda have a reference for forms and colors as I worked, and you can look at that here if it makes any difference:
It's really quick and sloppy because I knew I wasn't gonna follow the image exactly from the beginning, I just wanted to have an idea of the shapes and features of the character before attempting the pixel art.


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