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Topics - lallander
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / SpaceStation 13! (Resprite Project)
« on: July 17, 2009, 07:54:14 am »
I've recently joined up with the open source Byond project SpaceStation 13.  I'm working on a branch controlled primarily by the members of the Something Awful forums (aka GoonStation).

As you can see it has some serious problems with consistency of perspective.  I'm hoping to take it from this hodgepodge of different styles into what I believe is called the Cavalier Perspective (whatever you would call the top down zelda style).

I would appreciate any help at all.  Example sprites, offers to help, or just some good old criticism.

This is going to be a fairly major undertaking, but I hope the end product will justify it.  Wish me luck.

I should probably add a bit of technical info.  This system uses 32x32 sprites, I don't think there are any limits on color palettes or anything of the sort.  Other than that the engine is rather simplistic. Objects can either be solid or not, see thru or not, and allow air thru or not.

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