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Topics - JellyStarCat
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / [WIP][CC] Beaver Knight
« on: February 01, 2017, 04:21:55 pm »
Hello, can I have some critiques on this beaver knight?
(200% is preferred resolution)
Reference image:
-I haven't worked on the body yet.
-It is supposed to be viewed at 200% so I'd avoid using too much dithering.
-Light source is top left.

Pixel Art / [WIP][C+C] Need help with shading a character
« on: November 15, 2016, 10:36:02 am »
Hello, can I have some critiques on this character here? Especially the shading.
Some information:
-I don't intend to make legs for him, this is sort of a talking animation.
-Light source is in front of him and to the right a bit (indicated in the image).
-It is supposed to be viewed at 200% so I'd avoid using too much dithering.
-He is overweight.
-The band under his stomach is a belt.
-Hands are being worked on (his left hand is supposed to hold a toy bag).
-The shoulder mount is the gun holder, which is being worked on.

Progress should be updated over time.
Thank you.

Pages: [1]