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Topics - Sokolov1964
Pages: [1]

General Discussion / Game Engines for 2D Sidescroller?
« on: July 13, 2016, 03:22:39 am »
So I'm working on making a 2D game, my first attempt at one; a Metroidvania-style sidescroller.  I know next to nothing about game design, and discovered the Unity engine pretty much immediately.  It was free and it was a game engine, so I thought "That's the one!" and have started trying to learn C# coding and how to go about what I'm doing.  But I've read that Unity isn't really for 2D, and isn't even particularly well-optimized for it?  Maybe there's something out there that's easier to use and more focused to what I'm actually trying to do?  If so, I'd love to know about it.  Bonus points for ease of use for a total noob like myself.

Also, have been seeking help on my player character here if you're interested.

Pixel Art / WIP - Metroidvania Player Character
« on: July 11, 2016, 04:18:45 pm »
So I'm working on making my first game, based heavily on Super Metroid with a visual style (I'm hoping) reminiscent of Bloodborne.  My character was to be a fantasy analog of the British constabulary.  But I had trouble turning the buttoned overcoat into something that I think would look good in motion, so I went with a more simple design.  I just don't think it looks good enough.  Maybe the colors are too muted, or not enough contrast?  But I'm going for a more subtle atmosphere so I don't want her to pop too much.

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