Pixel Art / Strategy game character sprites [C+C]
« on: November 03, 2013, 05:02:38 pm »
I started working on a strategy game and although I'm not the best pixel artist, I'm really trying my best to improve and make acceptable sprites. Upon seeing this piece by svh440 over on /r/pixelart, I decided this was the style of pixel art I wanted for the characters in my game, something that would look nice while still remaining doable for me.
So I adopted this cartoonish style with bright pastel colors and made 3 characters with it: A warrior, a berserker and a bowman.

Scaled *2, the size at which they will be displayed in the game

Warrior: I have spent the most amount of time on this one and I think it's looking quite nice. Perhaps the shading could be a little better on the body but I can't seem to figure out how to do it. Very simple design, nice big sharp sword and simple round shield.
Berserker: Made in about 30 or 40 minutes, I tried to give him this guy's hair that I found on google when searching berserker but I obviously failed. His weapon is a butcher knife.
Bowman: The unit that has been giving me the most trouble. I tried to give him a green tunic at first but he looked too much like svh440's red mage so I went with something a lot different. I got most of my inspiration from this piece I found on google again when searching for archers. The biggest problem I have right now is the bow and really, this is where I need the most help with. The bow should look thin and lightweight but also looks ugly when I remove the outlines.
C+C would be appreciated, thanks.
Edit: Here is an early version of the in-game, just so you know what kind of environment these characters are put in

Ignore the ugly placeholder yellow buttons
So I adopted this cartoonish style with bright pastel colors and made 3 characters with it: A warrior, a berserker and a bowman.

Scaled *2, the size at which they will be displayed in the game

Warrior: I have spent the most amount of time on this one and I think it's looking quite nice. Perhaps the shading could be a little better on the body but I can't seem to figure out how to do it. Very simple design, nice big sharp sword and simple round shield.
Berserker: Made in about 30 or 40 minutes, I tried to give him this guy's hair that I found on google when searching berserker but I obviously failed. His weapon is a butcher knife.
Bowman: The unit that has been giving me the most trouble. I tried to give him a green tunic at first but he looked too much like svh440's red mage so I went with something a lot different. I got most of my inspiration from this piece I found on google again when searching for archers. The biggest problem I have right now is the bow and really, this is where I need the most help with. The bow should look thin and lightweight but also looks ugly when I remove the outlines.
C+C would be appreciated, thanks.
Edit: Here is an early version of the in-game, just so you know what kind of environment these characters are put in

Ignore the ugly placeholder yellow buttons