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Pixel Art / [WIP] Shadow of a Hunter
« on: January 10, 2014, 07:40:48 am »

Overall I'm happy with the design and shape of it so far. Next thing is probably the green wing parts.

Still a bit of a beginner on pieces as small as this so any kind of help or advice is always encouraged.

I'll be posting any updates regardless.

Pixel Art / [WIP] Dark Days
« on: December 23, 2013, 11:50:00 am »

Demon's Souls inspired landscape.

Somewhat proud of the clouds, but I know they can be improved much more. Maybe even add in god rays at some point.

Challenging myself since I've never done anything large as this whilst also experimenting with different hue's with the shading.

EDIT: Got the mountains going a bit.

Pixel Art / RoR Downtime
« on: November 29, 2013, 07:58:07 pm »

Using the games art style while trying not to copy pixel by pixel.

I plan on expanding with the other classes in view.

C&C always welcome.


Pixel Art / Silhouette art
« on: June 01, 2013, 06:05:12 pm »

All that is done for now. I do plan on making more and I will post them here if I do.

EDIT: Shoulders should be more visible now

Pixel Art / Crocodile
« on: April 09, 2013, 05:13:07 am »
Hey guys, I'm new here but I'm sure there are a couple people here that know me already. Anyway, this'll have to substitute as my introduction.

Here's a Croc

I don't have too much to say other than the left foot is pretty ugly, but there are a couple ways I wanna improve his sword thing. I just don't know how I would go on about that.

EDIT: Latest

Pages: [1]