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Topics - elderPixark
Pages: [1]

General Discussion / Rendering 2d (pixel) sprites in a 3d world
« on: July 24, 2012, 12:50:23 pm »
In some older video games, billboarding seemed like a cheap workaround for low poly restrictions. I can't remember any particular title as an example, but I do remember seeing scenery objects like trees and crowds of people projected as billboards, but in most cases, it was obviously an attempt to be realistic, even though the high amount of detail in the images in combination with alpha blending went against the grain of its low poly 3d environment.

Some games, however, were quite successful in substituting 3d models with multi-angle animated sprites, as seen in many FPS games like Quake, DOOM, Duke 3D, Wolfenstein 3D, etc., and in my opinion, those video games had really integrated those graphics well to create a unified 'composition' (if I can call a video game a composition).

However, in neither case (IMO) can we really call the examples "pixel art". But let's not get into a debate about what constitutes pixel art or discuss the methods employed by the artists of those games. In this thread, I'm interested in discussing the ways that contemporary artists EMBRACE restrictions and actually use pixel art in 3D graphics. The first example that comes to mind (for me, anyway) would be Minecraft, which uses low poly models in a voxel environment and pixel textures. Minecraft really doesn't use a lot of billboarding (except for dropped items that aren't blocks) but it renders pixels in some quite interesting ways.

One example of pixel art embracing sprites would be Infiniminer; the playable characters are rendered as animated 2d sprites with a front and back (probably textured quads with alpha blending).

What do you think about this application of pixel art? Do you think that using reminiscent, "8-bit" graphics in spite of modern rendering capabilities is quaint or creative? When does it cross the line? Share your thoughts and post more examples, if you know of any!

Pixel Art / [WIP] Portrait dilemma
« on: July 15, 2012, 04:26:16 pm »
I finally got around to pixeling a portrait and decided to make a post about it. So far I've spent maybe 5-6 hours on it and I'm at a point where I need to make some serious decisions. Right now I'm considering adding her bust to the composition and spending some time on a detailed background. But first, I need to make some corrections with what I've got. Hopefully some insight from other posters will push me out of the stalemate so I can continue working on this!

Pixel Art / [WIP] Motherclucker (chicken platformer)
« on: June 28, 2012, 03:33:38 pm »
As I continue to work, the original post in this thread will be updated.
(Sorry for the lame title, it's temporary.)

I had an idea for a platformer game that made me chuckle, which involves a chicken escaping from a slaughterhouse and dodging several kinds of deathtraps and processing machines. It would be trial-and-error gameplay in which losing is apparently fun.

Animation Progress
Starting point:

Draft 2:


Most recent work:

Took a break from animation to reflect on my work. I started working on a tileset and I edited a sprite (mouse) I made for a previous project to include in this one. I adopted Arne's generic 16 color palette for the time being because I am working on a craptop with a washed out screen. And yeah, I know this doesn't look like a meat-processing plant, but I figure that some of the levels with have an outdoor setting.

Currently working on: making new tiles; mostly background details - stars in the sky, scenery, foliage. The grass tile; needs to be unified with style of other tiles.

The underground/dirt tile didn't turn out quite like I wanted. I started out with dirt pixel clusters that look pretty nice, but the way I completed the tile makes it seem flat.

I made a color ramp for foliage, but I can't fit it to the tree. Adding purple shadows just doesn't look right and I think I need a more subtle green in order to add details.

Pixel Art / Small iso dump, need input [wip]
« on: May 29, 2012, 02:28:50 pm »
Hello forum!

This is not my first attempt at pixel-pushing as you might be able to tell, but I'm no expert, either. This is my first time doing isometric work, though. That's why I'm posting some of my work - I'd like some input on my work as I make progress. This is a small "dump" of everything I've made so far for this project.

Some goals I have for this are to improve my palette and develop my tile-making skills. Right now I'm at about 26 colors, and as I continue to make sprites and tiles, I want to develop my palette into a more limited color range.

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