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Topics - Sihaya
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / As if you didn't have ENOUGH newbies...
« on: November 08, 2005, 09:39:02 pm » I come along, being all new 'an stuff.  I'm not really sure what's expected of me here, whether my style is acceptable or not and so on...but I heard this is the place to go for brilliant critique and the advice of professionals, so here I am.  I in no way hope to make a living this way (though that WOULD be nice, come to think of it) my work will probably never be pro-quality---I do it for pleasure.  I s'pose this is the part where I throw my work out and get yelled at :)  here we go. The only items that are NOT mine entirely are the outline for the chalice and the original flat isobase.

Not sure if this is considered adult--so I'll link it--please don't yell at me if it IS considered adult.  I'll take it down immediately.


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